myzero1 / yii2-theme-layui
Simple captcha for yii2.Just add the module in config file and use the widget.
Installs: 42
Dependents: 2
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 0
Watchers: 1
Forks: 0
Open Issues: 0
- yiisoft/yii2: ~2.0
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-19 07:41:28 UTC
yii2-theme-layui,based on BrotherMa/layuicms2.0 and yiisoft/yii2-gii
Show time
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require-dev myzero1/yii2-theme-layui: *
or add
"myzero1/yii2-theme-layui": "*"
to the require-dev section of your composer.json
Once the extension is installed, simply modify your application configuration as follows:
in main.php
return [ ...... 'components' => [ ...... 'view' => [ 'theme' => [ 'pathMap' => [ '@app/views' => '@vendor/myzero1/yii2-theme-layui/src/views', // using the layui theme ], ], ], 'assetManager' => [ 'class' => 'yii\web\AssetManager', 'forceCopy' => false, // 'linkAssets' => true,//link to assets,no cache.used in develop. 'bundles'=> [ 'myzero1\layui\assets\php\components\LayoutAsset' => [ // 'copyright' => '<p><span>copyright @2018-2038 myzero1</span></p>', // false // 'copyright' => false 'noticeUrl' => '/gii', // 'noticeUrl' => false, ], ], ], ...... ], ...... 'params' => [ ...... 'layuiTheme' => [ 'navs' => [ "businessManagement" => [ 'topMenu' => [ "menu" => "businessManagement", "title" => "业务管理", "icon" => "", "class" => "layui-icon", ], [ "title" => "业务介绍", "icon" => "icon-text", "href" => "/$moduleId/business/introduction", "spread" => false ], [ "title" => "CRUD操作", "icon" => "icon-xiugai", "href" => "", "spread" => false, "children" => [ [ "title" => "操作初始化", "icon" => "z1iconfont z1icon-init", "href" => "/$moduleId/user/init", "spread" => false ], [ "title" => "列表页面", "icon" => "", "href" => "/$moduleId/z1-user/index", "spread" => false ], ] ], [ "title" => "使用文档", "icon" => "", "href" => "", "spread" => false, "children" => [ [ "title" => "字体图标", "icon" => "icon-mokuai", "href" => "/$moduleId/doc/icons", "spread" => false ], [ "title" => "三级联动", "icon" => "icon-mokuai", "href" => "/$moduleId/doc/address", "spread" => false ], [ "title" => "bodyTab", "icon" => "icon-mokuai", "href" => "/$moduleId/doc/bodytab", "spread" => false ], [ "title" => "三级菜单", "icon" => "icon-mokuai", "href" => "/$moduleId/doc/nav", "spread" => false ], ] ], ], "memberCenter" => [ 'topMenu' => [ "menu" => "memberCenter", "title" => "用户中心", "icon" => "icon-icon10", "class" => "seraph icon-icon10", ], [ "title" => "用户管理", "icon" => "", "href" => "/$moduleId/z1-user/index", "spread" => false ], [ "title" => "角色管理", "icon" => "", "href" => "/$moduleId/user/role", "spread" => false ] ], "systemeManagement" => [ 'topMenu' => [ "menu" => "systemeManagement", "title" => "系统管理", "icon" => "z1iconfont z1icon-set", "class" => "z1iconfont z1icon-set", ], [ "title" => "平台公告", "icon" => "", "href" => "/$moduleId/site/notice", "spread" => false ], [ "title" => "403页面", "icon" => "", "href" => "/$moduleId/site/e403", "spread" => false ], [ "title" => "404页面", "icon" => "", "href" => "/$moduleId/site/e404", "spread" => false ], [ "title" => "500页面", "icon" => "", "href" => "/$moduleId/site/e500", "spread" => false ], [ "title" => "登录页面", "icon" => "", "href" => "/$moduleId/site/login", "spread" => false, "target" => "_blank", ], ], ], 'rightNavs' => [ [ "title" => "个人资料", "icon" => "seraph icon-ziliao", "href" => "/page/user/userInfo.html", "spread" => false ], [ "title" => "修改密码", "icon" => "seraph icon-xiugai", "href" => "page/user/changePwd.html", "spread" => false ], ], 'mainUrl' => $this->id . '/site/main', 'noticeUrl' => $this->id . '/site/notice', 'copyright' => '<p><span>copyright @2018-2028 myzero1</span><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="layui-nav-img userAvatar" src="LayoutAssetBundleBaseUrl/resources/images/myzero1.jpg" style="margin-left:10px;cursor:pointer;"></a></p>', 'funcSettting' => true, 'skin' => true, ], ...... ], ...... ];
in main-local.php
...... if (YII_ENV_DEV) { $config['modules']['gii'] = [ 'class' => 'yii\gii\Module', 'allowedIPs' => ['', '::1'], 'generators' => [ 'z1layui_crud' => [ // generator name 'class' => 'myzero1\layui\gii\templates\crud\Generator', // generator class 'templates' => [ 'default' => '@vendor/myzero1/yii2-theme-layui/src/gii/templates/crud/layui', ] ], ], ]; } ......
setting in module
in the main.php of module
return [ ...... 'layout' => 'main',// to set theme by setting layout and layoutPath 'layoutPath' => \Yii::getAlias('@vendor/myzero1/yii2-theme-layui/src/views/layouts'), ...... ];
You can then access home page to watch the theme.
You can then access gii page to watch the crud.
select theme
use layui
You show set the layout as layout in site Controller for index page,in
as flowlling, in view:public function actionIndex() { $this->layout = 'layout'; return $this->render('index'); }
use plugins
Add plug-ins to requirements
Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php \myzero1\layui\assets\php\components\plugins\EchartsAsset::register($this); ?>
Optional plug-in
\myzero1\layui\assets\php\components\plugins\EchartsAsset::register($this); \myzero1\layui\assets\php\components\plugins\SwitchAsset::register($this); \myzero1\layui\assets\php\components\plugins\Wysihtml5Asset::register($this); \myzero1\layui\assets\php\components\plugins\ZtreeAsset::register($this);
use echart
Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php myzero1\layui\assets\php\components\plugins\EchartsAsset::register($this); ?> <div data-provide="z1echarts" id='client-chart' style="width: 100%;height:250px;" data-echarts-config="{title: {text: '折线图基本',left: 'center'}}"></div>
use wysihtml5
Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php myzero1\layui\assets\php\components\plugins\Wysihtml5Asset::register($this); ?> <textarea data-provide="z1wysihtml5" data-z1wysihtml5-config="{}" rows="10" cols="80"></textarea>
You can also use the advanced wysiwyg tool, yiidoc/yii2-redactor If you want to upload a file,you can try this widget,kartik-v/yii2-widget-fileinput You can combine yiidoc/yii2-redactor and kartik-v/yii2-widget-fileinput together.
<?php <?php echo $form->field($model, 'photo', [ "template" => sprintf("{label}\n{input}%s\n{hint}\n{error}", \kartik\file\FileInput::widget([ 'name' => 'file', 'pluginOptions' => [ 'layoutTemplates' => 'progress', 'uploadUrl' => Url::to(['/redactor/upload/image']), 'showPreview' => false, 'showUpload' => false, 'initialCaption' => $model->photo, ], 'pluginEvents' => [ 'change' => ' function(event, data, previewId, index) { if($("#z1fileinput-progress").length == 0){ var mystyle = "<div id=z1fileinput-progress><style> \ .kv-upload-progress .progress{height: 100%;margin: 0;position: absolute;z-index: 999;width: 40px;right: 80px;border: 1px solid #00a65a;}\ .kv-upload-progress .progress-bar{height: 100%;line-height: 32px;}\ </style></div>"; $("body").append(mystyle); } $(this).fileinput("upload"); } ', 'fileuploaded' => ' function(event, data, previewId, index) { $(this).parents(".form-group").find("input[type=hidden].form-control").val(data.response.filelink); } ', ], ]) ), ])->hiddenInput()->label('照片'); ?>
use ztree
use ztree,in ul. You can set data-provide="z1ztree" to use it and set data-z1ztree-config='{...} to set it,you can set the primary parameter of ztree in data-z1ztree-config. Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<ul id="mytes" data-provide="z1ztree" data-z1ztree-config='{data:[{ id:1, pId:0, name:"l1", open:true},{ id:2, pId:0, name:"l1", open:true},{ id:3, pId:1, name:"l2"}]}' class="ztree"></ul>
use ztree by default,in input.Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'id')->textInput(['data-provide' =>"z1ztree"])?>
use ztree without parents,in input.Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'id')->textInput(['data-provide' =>"z1ztree",'data-z1ztree-config' => '{"withParents": false}'])?>
use ztree by checkbox .Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'id')->textInput(['data-provide' =>"z1ztree",'data-z1ztree-config' => '{"checkType": "checkbox"}'])?>
use SwitchAsset
Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php myzero1\layui\assets\php\components\plugins\SwitchAsset::register($this); ?> <?= $form->field($model, 'rememberMe', [ 'labelOptions' => [ 'style' => ' padding:0; ', ], 'options' => [ 'style' => ' width:400px; ', ], ])->checkbox([ 'id' => 'mywitch', 'data-handle-width' => '105', 'data-on-color' => 'primary', 'data-on-text' => '要记住密码', 'data-off-color' => 'info', 'data-off-text' => '不记住密码', 'data-label-text' => '要记住密码', 'checked' => $model->rememberMe == '1' ? true : false, ])->label('') ?>