Common activity log components for GOV.UK systems

1.0.0 2025-01-13 09:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 16:05:50 UTC


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Use the Activity Log library to add common activity log components for GOV.UK systems

What's in the box?

  • PHP 8.3
  • Laravel 11 Blade Activity Log Page in the GOV.UK Design


Via Composer: composer require networkrailbusinesssystems/activity-log

Publish files (Optional)

All required files can be published with the command: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NetworkRailBusinessSystems\ActivityLog\ActivityLogServiceProvider" --tag="activity-log"


This tag will publish the config:

  • /govuk-activity-log.php


This tag will publish the blade view:

  • /Views/activity.blade.php


In your web.php (or your standard route file) add the lines:
Route::activityLogActioner(YourActionerClass), Route::activityLogActioned(YourActionedClass) in the route path.

When calling this route in your blade.php, make sure to pass the id. e.g.
route('your.route', $your_user->id)

On the Model YourActionerClass and YourActionedClass, implement Actioned, Actioner + use the HasActions and HasActivities traits


The Activity Log requires the GOVUK Laravel Forms Route Macro.


A Route Macro is provided to handle the Controller routing


Option Type Default Usage
user_model model App\Models\User:: class Set the User Model to use