Easily sign-in and poll users and groups in Microsoft Entra

dev-main 2025-02-06 12:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 13:05:27 UTC


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Easily sign-in and poll users and groups in Microsoft Entra, built using Laravel Microsoft Graph.


  1. Install this library using Composer:
    composer require networkrailbusinesssystems/entra
  2. Publish the Entra configuration file using Artisan:
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NetworkRailBusinessSystems\Entra\EntraServiceProvider" --tag="entra"
  3. Adjust the entra.php configuration file to suit your needs.
    • sync_attributes will automatically create and update Models to match the details from Entra
    • user_model should be the fully qualified class name of the Model used for Laravel authentication
  4. Implement the EntraAuthenticatable interface on your chosen Model
  5. Add the AuthenticatesWithEntra trait on your chosen Model for a standard fetch and sync setup, or implement the methods yourself
  6. Add the Entra authentication routes to your routes/web.php using the macro:
    Route::middleware('MsGraphAuthenticated')->group(function () {
        // Your authenticated routes here...


Users will automatically be redirected to the Microsoft Azure login page whenever they attempt to access an authenticated route as a guest.

The EntraServiceProvider automatically registers the relevant event listeners for authentication.

You can use the Laravel Microsoft Graph library as normal.

Manual sign-in and out

You can allow users to manually login by providing link to the login route.

Users can logout by calling the logout route.

Entra sign-in response

An example of the response given by the Entra sign-in endpoint is provided for reference below.

Dcblogdev\MsGraph\Events\NewMicrosoft365SignInEvent {
    +token: [
        "info" => [
            "@odata.context" => "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users/$entity",
            "businessPhones" => [
            "displayName" => "Joe Bloggs",
            "givenName" => "Joe",
            "jobTitle" => "Business Systems Developer",
            "mail" => "Joe.Bloggs@networkrail.co.uk",
            "mobilePhone" => "01234567890",
            "officeLocation" => "Some Office",
            "preferredLanguage" => null,
            "surname" => "Bloggs",
            "userPrincipalName" => "JBloggs2@networkrail.co.uk",
            "id" => "123ab4c5-6789-01de-f2g3-45678hijk9lm",
        "accessToken" => "... A string which is ~2400 characters long ...",
        "refreshToken" => ".. A string which is ~2400 characters long ...",
        "expires" => 1234567890,
    +socket: null,