
Manage your translation with DB and cache, you can scan your languages tags like trans(), __(), and get the string inside and translate them use UI.

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Last update: 2025-03-05 02:06:11 UTC


Screenshot of Login

Filament Translations Manager

Manage your translation with DB and cache, you can scan your languages tags like trans(), __(), and get the string inside and translate them use UI.

this plugin is build in spatie/laravel-translation-loader

This package is a fork of tomatophp/filament-translations with enhanced features:

  • Built-in automatic translation using Google Translate and ChatGPT
  • Bulk translation capabilities (all phrases, selected phrases, or individual phrases)
  • Configurable AI model selection in config file
  • Improved prompts for better multi-language support beyond English
  • Extensible translator system - ability to add custom translators in config

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Screenshot of list Screenshot of create Screenshot of edit Screenshot of scan Screenshot of import


composer require nicolae-soitu/filament-translations

now run install command

php artisan filament-translations:install

Finally register the plugin on /app/Providers/Filament/AdminPanelProvider.php


Allow Create Button to Create New Language

If you want to allow the user to create a new language, you need to add the following to your panel provider:


Allow Clear All Translations Button

If you want to allow the user to clear all translations, you need to add the following to your panel provider:


Use Language Switcher

we move language switcher to another package you can check it Filament Language Switcher

Scan Using Command Line

You can scan your project to get all the languages tags and save them to the database

php artisan filament-translations:import

Configuring Translators

To use automatic translation, make sure you have the following settings in your config/filament-translations.php configuration file:

     | Translate only empty words.
    'only_empty_words' => true,

     | Default locale for translation.
    'default_locale_for_translation' => 'en',

     | Translators.
    'translators' => [
        'google' => [
            'allowed' => true,
            'handler' =>  TomatoPhp\FilamentTranslations\Translators\Google\GoogleTranslator::class, 
            'chunk_size' => 100,
        'openai' => [
            'allowed' => true,
            'handler' =>  \TomatoPhp\FilamentTranslations\Translators\Openai\OpenaiTranslator::class,
            'chunk_size' => 50,
            'model' => 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
            'system_prompt' => 'You are a translator. Your job is to translate the following json object to the language specified in the prompt.',
            'user_prompt' => 'Translate the following json object from :from to :language, ensuring you return only the translated content in JSON format without added quotes or any other extraneous details and dont change the keys. Importantly, any word prefixed with the symbol ":" should remain unchanged and should not be translated the key "context" should be used to understand the meaning of the phrase',

Change Scan to work on Queue

In your config file just change the use_queue_on_scan to true

'use_queue_on_scan' => true,

Custom Import Command

You can create your own command to import the translations, add your custom import class to the config file like this:

'path_to_custom_import_command' => ImportTranslations::class,

This command will automatically run when you click on the "Scan For New Languages" button in the UI.

Custom Excel Import

You can create your own Excel import to import the translations, add your custom import class to the config file like this:

'path_to_custom_excel_import' => CustomTranslationImport::class,

The import class is based on the Laravel Excel package. You can check the documentation here. This import will automatically run when you click on the "Import" button in the UI.

Custom Excel Export

You can create your own Excel export to export the translations in your own format, add your custom export class to the config file like this:

'path_to_custom_excel_export' => CustomTranslationExport::class,

The export class is based on the Laravel Excel package. You can check the documentation here. This import will automatically run when you click on the "Export" button in the UI.

Show or hide buttons in the UI

You can show or hide the buttons in the UI by changing the config file. By default, all buttons are shown.

'show_import_button' => true,
'show_export_button' => false,
'show_scan_button' => false ,

Custom Resource

You can create your own resource to show the translations in the UI, add your custom resource class to the config file like this:

'translation_resource' => CustomResource::class,

This is especially useful when you want to have complete control over the UI but still want to use the translations package. Think about implementing a check on user roles when using shouldRegisterNavigation in your custom resource.

Translation Translations Resource Hooks

we have add a lot of hooks to make it easy to attach actions, columns, filters, etc

Table Columns

use TomatoPhp\FilamentTranslations\Filament\Resources\TranslationResource\Table\TranslationTable;

public function boot()

Table Actions

use TomatoPhp\FilamentTranslations\Filament\Resources\TranslationResource\Table\TranslationActions;

public function boot()

Table Filters

use TomatoPhp\FilamentTranslations\Filament\Resources\TranslationResource\Table\TranslationFilters;

public function boot()

Table Bulk Actions

use TomatoPhp\FilamentTranslations\Filament\Resources\TranslationResource\Table\TranslationBulkActions;

public function boot()

From Components

use TomatoPhp\FilamentTranslations\Filament\Resources\TranslationResource\Form\TranslationForm;

public function boot()

Page Actions

use TomatoPhp\FilamentTranslations\Filament\Resources\TranslationResource\Actions\ManagePageActions;
use TomatoPhp\FilamentTranslations\Filament\Resources\TranslationResource\Actions\EditPageActions;
use TomatoPhp\FilamentTranslations\Filament\Resources\TranslationResource\Actions\ViewPageActions;
use TomatoPhp\FilamentTranslations\Filament\Resources\TranslationResource\Actions\CreatePageActions;

public function boot()

Publish Assets

You can publish config file by use this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-translations-config"

You can publish views file by use this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-translations-views"

You can publish languages file by use this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-translations-lang"

You can publish migrations file by use this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-translations-migrations"


if you like to run PEST testing just use this command

composer test

Code Style

if you like to fix the code style just use this command

composer format


if you like to check the code by PHPStan just use this command

composer analyse

Other Filament Packages

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