
A package for minifying styles and javascript for laravel 6+

2.0.1 2025-02-24 17:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 17:00:52 UTC


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With this package you can minify your existing stylessheet and javascript files for laravel 6+. This process can be a little tough, this package simplies this process and automates it.


Begin by installing this package through Composer.

composer require oriceon/minify

Publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Oriceon\Minify\MinifyServiceProvider" --force

Package will auto-discover and you can use this Facade anywhere in your application


	// app/views/hello.blade.php

			{!! Minify::stylesheet('/css/main.css') !!}

			// or by passing multiple files
			{!! Minify::stylesheet(array('/css/main.css', '/css/bootstrap.css')) !!}

			// add custom attributes
			{!! Minify::stylesheet(array('/css/main.css', '/css/bootstrap.css'), array('foo' => 'bar')) !!}

			// add full uri of the resource
			{!! Minify::stylesheet(array('/css/main.css', '/css/bootstrap.css'))->withFullUrl() !!}
		    {!! Minify::stylesheet(array('//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto')) !!}

			// minify and combine all stylesheet files in given folder
			{!! Minify::stylesheetDir('/css/') !!}

			// add custom attributes to minify and combine all stylesheet files in given folder
			{!! Minify::stylesheetDir('/css/', array('foo' => 'bar', 'defer' => true)) !!}

			// minify and combine all stylesheet files in given folder with full uri
			{!! Minify::stylesheetDir('/css/')->withFullUrl() !!}


	// app/views/hello.blade.php

		{!! Minify::javascript('/js/jquery.js') !!}

		// or by passing multiple files
		{!! Minify::javascript(array('/js/jquery.js', '/js/jquery-ui.js')) !!}

		// add custom attributes
		{!! Minify::javascript(array('/js/jquery.js', '/js/jquery-ui.js'), array('bar' => 'baz')) !!}

		// add full uri of the resource
		{!! Minify::javascript(array('/js/jquery.js', '/js/jquery-ui.js'))->withFullUrl() !!}
        {!! Minify::javascript(array('//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js')) !!}

		// minify and combine all javascript files in given folder
		{!! Minify::javascriptDir('/js/') !!}

		// add custom attributes to minify and combine all javascript files in given folder
		{!! Minify::javascriptDir('/js/', array('bar' => 'baz', 'async' => true)) !!}

		// minify and combine all javascript files in given folder with full uri
		{!! Minify::javascriptDir('/js/')->withFullUrl() !!}

Credits to main author

Fwork package : DevFactoryCH/minify