
v1.0.3 2018-03-27 04:46 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 00:06:33 UTC


Google Cloud Stack Driver error monitoring integration for Laravel projects. This library adds a listener to Laravel's logging component. Laravel's session information will be sent in to Stack Driver, as well as some other helpful information such as 'environment', 'server', and 'session'.


Install using composer:

composer require pagevamp/laravel-stack-driver-logger

Add the service provider to the 'providers' array in config/app.php:


If you only want to enable Stack Driver reporting for certain environments you can conditionally load the service provider in your AppServiceProvider:

    public function register()
        if ($this->app->environment('production')) {


This package supports configuration through the services configuration file located in config/services.php. All configuration variables will be directly passed to Stack Driver:

'stack_driver_logger' => [
    'credentials' => [
        'keyFile' => json_decode(trim(env('GC_LOG_SERVICE_CRED'), "'"), 1),
    'log_name' => env('GC_LOG_NAME', 'builder-log'),


To automatically monitor exceptions, simply use the Log facade in your error handler in app/Exceptions/Handler.php:

public function report(Exception $exception)
    \Log::error($exception); //Stack Driver

Your other log messages will also be sent to Stack Driver:

\Log::debug('Here is some debug information');

NOTE: Fatal exceptions will always be sent to Stack Driver.

Context informaton

You can pass user information as context like this:

\Log::error('Something went wrong', [
    'person' => ['id' => 123, 'username' => 'John Doe', 'email' => '']

Or pass some extra information:

\Log::warning('Something went wrong', [
    'download_size' => 3432425235