
3rd party payment gateway

3.26.0 2025-03-05 11:45 UTC


The Official Magento2 plugin for PayTabs


Install using FTP method

Note: Delete any previous PayTabs plugin.

  1. Download the latest release of the plugin
  2. Upload the content of the folder to magento2 installation directory: app/code/PayTabs/PayPage
  3. Run the following Magento commands:
    1. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    2. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
    3. php bin/magento cache:clean

Install using Composer

  1. composer require paytabs/magento2
  2. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  3. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  4. php bin/magento cache:clean

Activating the Plugin

By default and after installing the module, it will be activated. To Disable/Enable the module:


php bin/magento module:enable PayTabs_PayPage


php bin/magento module:disable PayTabs_PayPage

Configure the Plugin

  1. Navigate to "Magento admin panel" >> Stores >> Configuration
  2. Open "Sales >> Payment Methods
  3. Select the preferred payment method from the available list of PayTabs payment methods
  4. Enable the Payment Gateway
  5. Enter the primary credentials:
    • Profile ID: Enter the Profile ID of your PayTabs account
    • Server Key: Merchant’s Dashboard >> Developers >> Key management >> Server Key
  6. Click Save Config

Log Access

PayTabs custome log

  1. Access debug_paytabs.log file found at: /var/log/debug_paytabs.log
