
A library that implements the php-extended/php-bbcode-interface interface library.


A library that implements the php-extended/php-bbcode-interface interface library.

coverage build status


The installation of this library is made via composer and the autoloading of all classes of this library is made through their autoloader.

  • Download composer.phar from their website.
  • Then run the following command to install this library as dependency :
  • php composer.phar php-extended/php-bbcode-object ^8

Basic Usage

To build a bbcode tree, just use the collection node and the single nodes :

use PhpExtended\Bbcode\BbcodeCollectionNode;
use PhpExtended\Bbcode\BbcodeSingleNode;
use PhpExtended\Bbcode\BbcodeTextNode;

$_1 = new BbcodeCollectionNode('center');
$_2 = new BbcodeCollectionNode('url', '');
$_3 = new BbcodeSingleNode('img', '');
$_4 = new BbcodeTextNode('An image of Toto');
// echo [center][url=][img][/img]An image of Toto[/url][/center]

Note: the use of the BbcodeAbstractNode::TYPE_TEXT in a BbcodeCollectionNode will disable the output of the tags in the __toString() method. This may be useful to have collections that are not encapsulated in tag data, like the root of a bbcode node tree.

use PhpExtended\Bbcode\BbcodeParser;

$parser = new BbcodeParser()
$root = $parser->parse('<data>');
// $root is now a BbcodeCollectionNodeInterface


MIT (See license file).