
A library that implements the php-curl-interface library


A library that implements the php-curl-interface library

coverage build status


The installation of this library is made via composer and the autoloading of all classes of this library is made through their autoloader.

  • Download composer.phar from their website.
  • Then run the following command to install this library as dependency :
  • php composer.phar php-extended/php-curl-object ^8

Basic Usage

This library may be used the following way :

use PhpExtended\Curl\Curl;
use PhpExtended\HttpMessage\Uri;

$curl = new Curl();
$curl->setUri(Uri::parseFromString('<your uri there>'));
$data = $curl->getData();	// returns a Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface
$str = $data->__toString();


MIT (See license file).