
A library that implements the php-extended/php-workflow-interface package


A library that implements the php-extended/php-workflow-interface package

coverage build status


The installation of this library is made via composer and the autoloading of all classes of this library is made through their autoloader.

  • Download composer.phar from their website.
  • Then run the following command to install this library as dependency :
  • php composer.phar php-extended/php-workflow-object ^8

Basic Usage

Lets say you want to express the workflow of a door (which can be opened or closed). You have the following schema :

+--------+    open    +--------+
|        | ---------> |        |
| closed |            | opened |
|        | <--------- |        |
+--------+   close    +--------+

Then, you'll have to have the following classes:

use PhpExtended\Workflow\SubjectInterface; use PhpExtended\Workflow\StateInterface; use PhpExtended\Workflow\ConditionInterface; use PhpExtended\Workflow\WorkflowBuilder;

class Door implements SubjectInterface {

public $_state = null;

public function __construct()
	$this->_state = new Closed();

public function getState(WorkflowInterface $workflow) : StateInterface
	if($workflow->getName() === 'usage')
		return $this->_state;
	return new Closed();

public function execute(TransitionInterface $transition) : StateInterface
	if($transition->getName() === 'open')
		return $this->_state = new Opened();
	if($transition->getName() === 'close')
		return $this->_state = new Closed();
	return new Closed();


class Opened implements StateInterface; {

public function getName() : string
	return 'opened';


class Closed implements StateInterface {

public function getName() : string
	return 'closed';


class DoorIsClosed implements ConditionInterface {

public function isSatisfiedBy(SubjectInterface $subject) : bool
	return $subject instanceof Door
	    && $subject->getState() instanceof Closed;


class DoorIsOpened implements ICondition {

public function isSatisfiedBy(ISubject $subject) : bool
	return $subject instanceof Door
	       $subject->getState() instanceof Opened;


$definition = new Definition('usage'); $opened = new Opened(); $closed = new Closed(); $open = new Transition('open', $opened, $closed); $close = new Transition('close', $closed, $opened); $workflowBuilder->addCondition('open', new DoorIsClosed()); $workflowBuilder->addTransition('close', $opened, $closed); $workflowBuilder->addCondition('close', new DoorIsOpened());

$workflow = $workflowBuilder->getWorkflow('usage');

$door = new Door(); // at instanciation, door is closed $workflow->can($door, $closed); // returns false $workflow->car($door, $opened); // returns true $workflow->perform($door, $opened); // door is now opened $workflow->can($door, $opened); // returns false $workflow->can($door, $closed); // returns true $workflow->perform($door, $closed); // door is now closed


MIT (See license file).