poirot / mod-authorization
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-devel) of this package.
2019-07-16 19:24 UTC
- poirot/authsystem: dev-devel
- poirot/skeleton: dev-devel
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-24 21:54:03 UTC
Module Configuration
# Authorization: \Module\Authorization\Module::CONF_KEY => array( ServiceAuthenticatorsContainer::CONF => array( 'plugins_container' => array( // these configurations are same as container builder settings... /** @see BuilderContainer */ 'services' => array( 'realm_name' => instanceof (Poirot\AuthSystem\Authenticate\Authenticator) ), ), ), ServiceGuardsContainer::CONF => array( 'plugins_container' => array( // these configurations are same as container builder settings... /** @see BuilderContainer */ 'services' => array( // Guards Services 'guard_name' => instaceof (iGuard), ), ), ), ),
An example of ServiceAuthenticator plugin
/** * Authenticator Service That Register in Module Authorize as * authenticators capped plugin. * */ class ServiceAuthenticatorDefault extends aServiceContainer { protected $name = \Module\OAuth2\Module::REALM; /** * Create Service * * @return Authenticator */ function newService() { ## Set Credential Repo Behalf Of Users Repository $repoUsers = \Module\OAuth2\Services\Repository\IOC::Users(); $credentialAdapter = __(new RepoUserPassCredential)->setRepoUsers($repoUsers); ### Attain Login Continue If Has /** @var iHttpRequest $request */ $request = \IOC::GetIoC()->get('/HttpRequest'); $authenticator = new Authenticator( __(new IdentifierWrapIdentityMap( // TODO using cookie+session identifier to recognize user and feature to remember me!! __(new IdentifierSession)->setIssuerException(function(exAuthentication $e) use ($request) { $loginUrl = (string) \Module\HttpFoundation\Actions::url('main/oauth/login'); // ensure routes loaded $continue = \Module\Foundation\Actions::path(sprintf( '$baseUrl/%s' , ltrim($request->getTarget(), '/')) ); $loginUrl .= '?continue='.urlencode($continue); header('Location: '.$loginUrl); }) /** @see Users::findOneMatchBy */ , new IdentityFulfillmentLazy($repoUsers, 'uid') ))->setRealm(aIdentifier::DEFAULT_REALM) , $credentialAdapter // Identity Username --------^ ); return $authenticator; } /** * @override * !! Access Only In Capped Collection; No Nested Containers Here * * Get Service Container * * @return ContainerAuthenticatorsCapped */ function services() { return parent::services(); } }
An Example of Http Guard
class ServiceAuthGuard extends aServiceContainer { /** * Create Service * * @return GuardRoute */ function newService() { $guard = new GuardRoute; $auth = \Module\Authorization\Actions::Authenticator( \Module\OAuth2\Module::REALM ); $guard->setAuthenticator( $auth ); $guard->setRoutesDenied([ 'main/oauth/authorize', 'main/oauth/me/*', ]); return $guard; } }