
Shared Frontend Components for Slim-based frontends.

6.3.3 2025-02-06 13:43 UTC


Settings sample for the Account-manager

$settings = [
        'account-manager' => [
			'qbank-manager-group-ids' => [20],
			'terms' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor...',
			'account-expire' => '+1 year',      // set false to disable this setting
			'apply-page-group-ids' => [1,2,3],
			'approve-page-group-ids' => [1,2,3,4],
			'custom-options' => [
				'Company' => [
					'array' => false,
					'mandatory' => true
				'Country' => [
					'array' => true,
					'mandatory' => true,
					'multiple' => true,
					'options' => [

How to implement...

The following chapters should explain how certain components are implemented and used in front end projects.

Download multiple fies

Since v3.0 the functionality for downloading multiple media has been updated and DownloadController::downloadMultiple() now requires different parameters. It no longer accepts a template in the parameter, instead, the download templates are set via DownloadController::setDownloadTemplate(). This method accepts a classification (eg. MimeType::CLASSIFICATION_IMAGE) and a template id. When getting the physical files, DownloadController uses DownloadController::getDownloadTemplate() for the medias classification. If you set a template to 0 or null, the original file will be fetched.

The media DownloadController::downloadMultiple() downloads are either passed as an array of MediaResponse or as an array of media ids (that must be numeric).

Example code:

$media = [
// or an array of MediaResponse, eg. from a QBank search

$downloadController = new DownloadController($this->qbankApi);
$imageTemplates = (int) $request->getQueryParam('imageTemplates');
$videoTemplate = (int) $request->getQueryParam('videoTemplate');

// If a specific classification has more than one template, call addDownloadTemplate multiple times
foreach($imageTemplates as $imageTemplate) {
    $downloadController->addDownloadTemplate(MimeType::CLASSIFICATION_IMAGE, $imageTemplate);
$downloadController->addDownloadTemplate(MimeType::CLASSIFICATION_VIDEO, $videoTemplate);

$downloadController->downloadMultiple($media, $deploymentSiteId, $sessionId, $zipFileName, $deploymentPath, $debug);

DownloadController::downloadMultiple throws a number of exceptions, so it can be a good idea to wrap in it a try-catch that catches Throwable, logs the error and produces a user friendly error message.

DownloadController::setDownloadTemplate currently accepts four (4) classifications, corresponding to: MimeType::CLASSIFICATION_IMAGE, MimeType::CLASSIFICATION_VIDEO, MimeType::CLASSIFICATION_AUDIO, and MimeType::CLASSIFICATION_DOCUMENT which are the four configurable template types in QBank. For other classifications, the original file is always downloaded.

DownloadController::downloadMultiple does not support fetching multiple physical files from the same media, instead this sort of functionality must be implemented in that specific project if needs be.


To correctly implement the `IPAutoLogin`, the settings array must contain an array of allowed IPs, as well as a username reflecting a true user with the appropriate access:

    'username' => 'apiuser',
    'firstname' => 'Api',
    'lastname' => 'User',
    'allowedIps' => [

An important note is that, since the `IPAutoLogin creates a session depending on the users IP adress, this must be done before RequireAuthenticatedUser. This is because the RequireAuthenticatedUser middleware looks for an authenticated user (which IPAutoLogin creates). To make it execute before RequireAuthenticatedUser`, add it after - since Slim invokes middleware outside in.

Since v2.6, `IPAutoLogin` supports using wild cards in IP adresses. Use an asterisk (*) to denote wild card portions of the IP address. Note that the plugin currently only supports IPV4 addresses.

// Invoke IPAutoLogin AFTER RequireAuthenticated user
// as Slim invokes middleware from outside and in
$app->group('', function () use ($app) {
    $app->get('/someUrl', SomeClass::class . ':index');


This middleware implements translation with the `gettext() functions in PHP. Somewhere in routes.php add $app->add(Translation::class);`, so that the middleware is registered.

Firstly, the middleware gets the `HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header from the users browser. Secondly it checks for a cookie. If the cookie exists, this takes precedence over the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE`.

You must define both the cookie name to get user selected language, as well as the keys to the settings array for the `gettext() configurating functions. This configuration might be added to the default.php` config.

    'directory' => realpath(__DIR__ . '/../locales'),
    'domain' => 'messages',

You must define the cookie name, this might also be added to `default.php`


Lastly, you must be able to parse all source files after calls to `gettext() which should use the translation files. The easiest way is to add a application console to the frontendproject and use the commands php app/console.php gettext:generate and gettext:compile`.

As of 2020-02-04, a well working implementation of the application console can be found in frontends/peab-mediaportal.