
Convert social networks to atom feed

1.0 2016-02-01 23:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-13 22:13:40 UTC



Convert social network feeds to atom feed.

Status list:

  • Vk.com: support post, audio, video, photo, link attachments
  • Facebook.com: support post (only text for this moment) from pages


composer require rakshazi/social2atom:dev-master


$s2a->setConfig() is optional for vk, but if you want see video and audio - it's required.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$url = "https://vk.com/apiclub"; //VK group url
$s2a = new \Rakshazi\Social2Atom;
    'general.audio.enclosure' => false, //Add audio files as post content, not as atom entry element (recommended)
    //For VK.com (Only if you really need it)
    'vk.count' => 100, //Maximum count of posts per feed
    'vk.token' => 'YOUR TOKEN', //Needed only for video and audio
    //For Facebook.com (Only if you really need it)
    'facebook.count' => 100,
    'facebook.token' => 'YOUR TOKEN', //Needed for all, use App Token
$atomFeedXML = $s2a->convert($url);

echo $atomFeedXML;

Some implicit reasons (FAQ)

Q: How to get vk.com token?

A: Read all info here: https://vk.com/dev/auth_sites, you need following scopes: video,offline

Q: How to get facebook.com token?

A: Create app (for websites) and get it token (App token) here: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/accesstoken/

Q: Why no API libraries were used?

A: Because API library contains a lot of unnecessary (for this project) things (eg: Managing users and groups in VK, but really needed only read access to groups) and (owing to first part of answer) a lot of unnecessary dependencies.