
Simple ORM

0.2.0 2022-05-09 16:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 22:04:46 UTC


Very simple ORM layer, based on the Data Mapper pattern.

Some key design principles:

  • There are two types of classes: Mapper and Entity
  • Entities contain data; they have properties, may have formatting methods, validation, etc.
  • Mapper can read and write Entities from the database
  • There are two abstract classes AbstractMapper and AbstractMapperId that can be used to create you own Mappers quickly.
  • You can create any methods for Mapper, but typically we use save, delete, findByID, findByWhere, etc.

Not a rules

These are not rules, but things are very simple when it happens this way:

  • Each Entity has its own Mapper
  • Each Mapper maps Entity to one specific database table
  • Entity has a structure similar to specific database table

If you do things differently, existing abstract classes won't help you.

How to create Entity and Mapper

See ExampleIdEntity.php and ExampleIdMapper.php.

  • Entities just have some properties
  • Mappers extend AbstractMapper or AbstractMapperID and override methods mapperTableName, mapperEntityClass
  • In another override method createFieldMapping you have to describe mapping for all fields
  • For AbstractMapper subclasses you have to describe unique (key) fields in createFieldMappingUnique. Class AbstractMapperID already does this for id.
  • Implement a save, delete, find... methods annotated with your specific Entity types. You may use existing untyped* methods of parent classes.