
CRM Coupon Module

3.7.0 2024-11-12 07:22 UTC


Translation status @ Weblate

API documentation

All examples use as a base domain. Please change the host to the one you use before executing the examples.

All examples use XXX as a default value for authorization token, please replace it with the real tokens:

  • API tokens. Standard API keys for server-server communication. It identifies the calling application as a whole. They can be generated in CRM Admin (/api/api-tokens-admin/) and each API key has to be whitelisted to access specific API endpoints. By default the API key has access to no endpoint.
  • User tokens. Generated for each user during the login process, token identify single user when communicating between different parts of the system. The token can be read:
    • From n_token cookie if the user was logged in via CRM.
    • From the response of /api/v1/users/login endpoint - you're free to store the response into your own cookie/local storage/session.

API responses can contain following HTTP codes:

Value Description
200 OK Successful response, default value
400 Bad Request Invalid request (missing required parameters)
403 Forbidden The authorization failed (provided token was not valid)
404 Not found Referenced resource wasn't found

If possible, the response includes application/json encoded payload with message explaining the error further.

POST /api/v1/coupon/activate

Activate coupon specified by code for authenticated user.

Name Value Required Description
Authorization Bearer String yes User token.
Name Value Required Description
code String yes The code of coupon to activate.
notifyUser Boolean no Flag indicating that user should be notified (email, push notification).
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "code": "123456-789ABC-DEFG",
    "notifyUser": true


    "coupon_id": 1234567,
    "coupon_type": "new-user-promo",
    "subscription_id": 1234345,
    "subscription_type_id": 123,
    "subscription_type_name": "1 month promo subscription",
    "subscription_start_time": "2020-07-02T11:30:00+00:00", // String; RFC3339 encoded start time
    "subscription_end_time": "2020-08-02T11:30:00+00:00" // String; RFC3339 encoded end time