rndwiga / laravel-multi-db-tenant
This package is used to create and manage laravel multitenant applications
- php: >=5.5.9
- illuminate/auth: ^5.3
- illuminate/config: ^5.3
- illuminate/console: ^5.3
- illuminate/database: ^5.3
- illuminate/session: ^5.3
- illuminate/support: ^5.3
- vlucas/phpdotenv: ^2.4
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: 4.0.*
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-10 17:01:07 UTC
Multi-Database Tenant Package for Laravel
This package is meant for Laravel applications to help with Multi-Database Tenant Applications.
A sample laravel application that uses this package can be found at github
composer require rndwiga\MultiTenant
Add the service providers to your application providers array in config/app.php A Facade is also available and can be added...
'LaraMultiDbTenant' => rndwiga\MultiTenant\Facade::class
Configuration Files
php artisan vendor:publish
This will copy the laramultidbtenant.php configuration file into the app/config directory as well as copy the tenant, tenant_users and tenant_databases migration files needed. Create your models.
Setup the database for your Tenants in your .env files
Create the needed model classes
This will create the Tenant, TenantDatabase, TenantUser models. Make sure to provide the right relationships and don't forget to create the relationships within the User, Tenant, TenantUser and TenantDatabase models as well as set the connection properties.
php artisan tenant:basemodels
class Tenant extends Model
protected $connection = 'todo';
protected $table = 'tenants';
protected $primaryKey = 'tenant_id';
protected $fillable = ['tenant_uid', 'company_name', 'short_company_name', 'database_prefix', 'address'];
Create the template, tenant migration folders as well as a tenant public folder
php artisan tenant:folders
This package registers a middleware called authTenant within it's service provider. This is needed in order to automatically set the default connections for the Application's model
For a todo application see demo application
Inside your controllers that will control tenant specific routing, add the following to the __construct methods
$this->middleware('authTenant'); //This is automatically pushed to laravel's kernel
also make sure to include the trait to do migrations automatically once the tenant has registered their company...
use MigrateTenantDatabase;
Complete namespace for this is...
use rndwiga\MultiTenant\Traits\MigrateTenantDatabase;
Create your migration files
This assumes you have already done...
php artisan vendor:publish
So create your migration files...
php artisan make:migration create_todo_table --create=todos --path=database/migrations/tenant
Your TenantDatabase Model
This is important
Your TenantDatabase model must implement the ITenantDatabase interface
class TenantDatabase extends Model implements ITenantDatabase
Once that's done, start with registering a user, at least collect information needed. In your controller that registers the user, tenant, tenant_database, tenant_users you should be able to do...
$this->migrateTenantDatabase($tenantDatabase->hostname, $tenantDatabase->database_name, $tenantDatabase->user_name, $tenantDatabase->password);
Use this demo as a guide. See SessionsController@postRegister. This should show the code...
$input = $request->all();
$email = $input['email'];
$password = $input['password'];
$name = $input['name'];
$companyName = $input['company_name'];
$user = $this->registerUser($email, $password, $name);
$tenant = $this->registerTenant($companyName);
$tenantUser = $this->createTenantUserDetails($user, $tenant);
$tenantDatabase = $this->createTenantDatabase($tenant);
//now we can migrate the database of the tenant using the tenant database settings
$this->migrateTenantDatabase($tenantDatabase->hostname, $tenantDatabase->database_name,
$tenantDatabase->user_name, $tenantDatabase->password);
Twitter: @rndwiga254
- Do some clean up of the code.
- Command for creating template and tenant migration files
- Command to migrate to template database
- Command to sync new migration files
- Command to copy any needed data from template database to all tenant databases
- Add tests