schenke-io / packaging-tools
Tools to simplify publishing github packages
- php: ^8.1|^8.2|^8.3
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-simplexml: *
- badges/poser: ^3.0
- illuminate/filesystem: ^10.0|^11.0|^12.0
- nette/neon: ^3.0
- nette/schema: ^1.3
Requires (Dev)
- laravel/pint: ^1.18
- mockery/mockery: ^1.5
- pestphp/pest: ^1.0|^2.0|^3.0
- phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: ^1.4
- spatie/ray: ^1.40
Packaging Tools
This package is a collection of tools to simplify the package and project development.
The main elements are:
- Markdown Assemble the file out of small markdown files, class comments and other sources
- Badge build the badge custom or from existing files
- Setup read the
configuration file and modify scripts incomposer.json
Install the package with composer:
composer require schenke-io/packaging-tools
Add the setup command into composer.json
under scripts.
{ "scripts": { "setup": "SchenkeIo\\PackagingTools\\Setup::handle" } }
Start the setup:
composer setup
and check all available setup parameters:
composer setup help
This package follows the following concept:
- setup and configuration is controlled by a config file
- manual edits have higher priority than automatics
- when manual edita would be overwritten there is a warning
- the documentation is organised out of components which get assembled at the end
- important classes and methods are marked and documented
- badges are written from data
- the build process is controlled by script
- missing files are explained with full path
Each package is controlled by a config file
. NEON files can be
written as YAML or JSON but additionally with comments.
The format can be easily schema verified and is used here as simple key-value-pairs.
key | description |
analyse | true or false to control the use of PHPStan |
coverage | true or false to control the use of test coverage |
markdown | defaults to false, includes command to start the make file |
pint | true or false to control the use of Laravel Pint |
test | defaults to 'pest', can be false or 'phpunit |
dev | opens a console select for all commands in composer and in artisan commands if found |
check | group of scripts: pint, test, markdown |
release | group of scripts: pint, analyse, coverage, markdown |
Assembler of a markdown file
How to assemble a markdown
To assemble a markdown you need these things:
- a directory with well named markdown files
- documentation of classes and methods
- csv files for tables
- a script
- which writes badges
- which read and assemble these files
This script can be a script run by php itself or a class file with a static method.
<?php require "vendor/autoload.php"; use SchenkeIo\PackagingTools\Markdown\MarkdownAssembler; /* * this scripts make the package itself and tests its functionality */ try { $mda = new MarkdownAssembler(/* subdirectory for markdown include files */); $mda->addMarkdown(/* relative to markdown directory */); $mda->addTableOfContents(); // relative to markdown directory $mda->addMarkdown(""); // makes markdown from a class phpdoc $mda->addClassMarkdown(MarkdownAssembler::class); // path relative to root directory $mda->writeMarkdown(""); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; }
Public methods of MarkdownAssembler
method | summary |
addClassMarkdown | Extracts documentation of a class in Markdown format |
addClasses | Uses a glob function to find many classes and extract their documentations |
addMarkdown | Adds a markdown file. |
addTableOfContents | add a table of content for the full file |
addText | adds markdown text |
addTableFromFile | read a csv file and converts it into a table |
addTableFromCsvString | takes a csv string and converts it into a table |
addTableFromArray | takes an array and converts it into a table |
writeMarkdown | writes all added elements into one file |
Details of addTableFromFile()
The following extensions for the file are implemented:
Extension | Delimiter | Details |
*.csv | , | comma seperated |
*.psv | | | pipe seperated |
*.tsv | \t | tabulator seperated |
Details of addTableFromArray()
The array is expected to have this format:
$arary = [ ['header 1','header 2','header 3'], ['cell 1:1','cell 1:2','cell 1:3'], ['cell 2:1','cell 2:2','cell 2:3'], ['cell 3:1','cell 3:2','cell 3:3'], ];
and would be rendered like this:
header 1 | header 2 | header 3 |
cell 1:1 | cell 1:2 | cell 1:3 |
cell 2:1 | cell 2:2 | cell 2:3 |
cell 3:1 | cell 3:2 | cell 3:3 |
makes badges in various formats and from many sources
Public methods of MakeBadge
method | summary |
define | free definition of a badge with subject, status and color |
makeCoverageBadge | makes a coverage badge from clover.xml |
makePhpStanBadge | makes a PHPStan badge from its config file |
store | stores the badge in a given format in a svg file |