
Tools to simplify publishing github packages

v0.0.15 2025-03-09 11:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 13:40:29 UTC


Packaging Tools

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This package is a collection of tools to simplify the package and project development.

The main elements are:

  • Markdown Assemble the file out of small markdown files, class comments and other sources
  • Badge build the badge custom or from existing files
  • Setup read the .packaging-tools.neon configuration file and modify scripts in composer.json


Install the package with composer:

  composer require schenke-io/packaging-tools

Add the setup command into composer.json under scripts.

    "scripts": {
        "setup": "SchenkeIo\\PackagingTools\\Setup::handle"    

Start the setup:

  composer setup

and check all available setup parameters:

  composer setup help


This package follows the following concept:

  • setup and configuration is controlled by a config file
  • manual edits have higher priority than automatics
  • when manual edita would be overwritten there is a warning
  • the documentation is organised out of components which get assembled at the end
  • important classes and methods are marked and documented
  • badges are written from data
  • the build process is controlled by script
  • missing files are explained with full path


Each package is controlled by a config file .packaging-tools.neon . NEON files can be written as YAML or JSON but additionally with comments.

The format can be easily schema verified and is used here as simple key-value-pairs.

key description
analyse true or false to control the use of PHPStan
coverage true or false to control the use of test coverage
markdown defaults to false, includes command to start the make file
pint true or false to control the use of Laravel Pint
test defaults to 'pest', can be false or 'phpunit
dev opens a console select for all commands in composer and in artisan commands if found
check group of scripts: pint, test, markdown
release group of scripts: pint, analyse, coverage, markdown



Assembler of a markdown file

How to assemble a markdown

To assemble a markdown you need these things:

  • a directory with well named markdown files
  • documentation of classes and methods
  • csv files for tables
  • a script
    • which writes badges
    • which read and assemble these files

This script can be a script run by php itself or a class file with a static method.


require "vendor/autoload.php";

use SchenkeIo\PackagingTools\Markdown\MarkdownAssembler;

 * this scripts make the package itself and tests its functionality

try {
    $mda = new MarkdownAssembler(/* subdirectory for markdown include files */);
    $mda->addMarkdown(/* relative to markdown directory */);
    // relative to markdown directory
    // makes markdown from a class phpdoc

    // path relative to root directory
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

Public methods of MarkdownAssembler

method summary
addClassMarkdown Extracts documentation of a class in Markdown format
addClasses Uses a glob function to find many classes and extract their documentations
addMarkdown Adds a markdown file.
addTableOfContents add a table of content for the full file
addText adds markdown text
addTableFromFile read a csv file and converts it into a table
addTableFromCsvString takes a csv string and converts it into a table
addTableFromArray takes an array and converts it into a table
writeMarkdown writes all added elements into one file

Details of addTableFromFile()

The following extensions for the file are implemented:

Extension Delimiter Details
*.csv , comma seperated
*.psv | pipe seperated
*.tsv \t tabulator seperated

Details of addTableFromArray()

The array is expected to have this format:

$arary = [
    ['header 1','header 2','header 3'],
    ['cell 1:1','cell 1:2','cell 1:3'],
    ['cell 2:1','cell 2:2','cell 2:3'],
    ['cell 3:1','cell 3:2','cell 3:3'],

and would be rendered like this:

header 1 header 2 header 3
cell 1:1 cell 1:2 cell 1:3
cell 2:1 cell 2:2 cell 2:3
cell 3:1 cell 3:2 cell 3:3


makes badges in various formats and from many sources

Public methods of MakeBadge

method summary
define free definition of a badge with subject, status and color
makeCoverageBadge makes a coverage badge from clover.xml
makePhpStanBadge makes a PHPStan badge from its config file
store stores the badge in a given format in a svg file
