scriptoshi / livewire-google-onetap
A Laravel Livewire component for Google One Tap authentication
- php: ^8.2
- google/apiclient: ^2.12
- illuminate/auth: ^12.0
- illuminate/support: ^12.0
- laravel/socialite: ^5.0
- livewire/livewire: ^3.0
A Laravel Livewire component for Google One Tap authentication. Easily add "Sign in with Google" functionality to your Laravel application with a simple Livewire component.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require scriptoshi/livewire-google-onetap
This package requires:
- PHP 8.2+
- Laravel 12.x
- Livewire 3.x
- Alpine.js
Publish the configuration file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=google-onetap-config
You'll need to set up your Google OAuth credentials in your .env
Or, if you're already using Laravel Socialite, it will use those credentials by default from your
Database Migration
This package adds Google authentication fields to your users
table. To run the migrations:
php artisan migrate
Or you can publish the migrations and customize them:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=google-onetap-migrations
To use the component, make sure you have Livewire installed and properly set up in your Laravel application. Livewire includes Alpine by default.
Then, in your login or registration page, add the component:
<livewire:google-onetap />
For registration pages, specify the type:
<livewire:google-onetap type="register" />
This component will automatically load the Google API script, so you don't need to include it separately in your layout.
User Avatar
When users sign in with Google, their Google profile picture URL is stored in the google_avatar_url
field. You can use this to display their profile picture in your application:
@if(auth()->user()->google_avatar_url) <img src="{{ auth()->user()->google_avatar_url }}" alt="{{ auth()->user()->name }}" class="rounded-full h-10 w-10"> @else <!-- Fallback avatar --> @endif
This can be particularly useful for creating a consistent user experience when users sign in with Google.
Configure Tailwind CSS
To ensure that Tailwind CSS properly processes the component styles, add this package to your content sources in your CSS file (typically resources/css/app.css
/* Add this line with your other @source directives */ @source '../../vendor/scriptoshi/livewire-google-onetap/resources/views/**/*.blade.php';
For example, your CSS file might look similar to this:
@import "tailwindcss"; @source "../views"; @source '../../vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pagination/resources/views/*.blade.php'; @source '../../vendor/scriptoshi/livewire-google-onetap/resources/views/**/*.blade.php'; /* Rest of your CSS file */
You can publish the view and modify it, but keep in mind, Google restricts how much you can customize:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=google-onetap-views
The component uses minimal styling and adapts to both light and dark modes. It will automatically detect if your site is using dark mode by checking for the dark
class on the HTML element.
You can customize the width, height, and other aspects by editing the published view.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.