scriptoshi / livewire-telegram-auth
Laravel Livewire component for Telegram login authentication
- php: ^8.2
- laravel/framework: ^12.0
- livewire/livewire: ^3.0
- tg/tgwebvalid: ^4.2
A Laravel 12 and Livewire package that provides an easy way to authenticate users via Telegram.
- PHP 8.2+
- Laravel 12.x
- Livewire 3.0+
- TgWebValid 4.2+
You can install the package via composer:
composer require scriptoshi/livewire-telegram-auth
1. Add Telegram Bot Token to your .env file
Note: Use the full token including the bot ID (numbers before the colon) and the token part (after the colon). The component will automatically extract the bot ID for authentication.
2. Add Telegram Bot configuration to your config/services.php
'telegram' => [ 'telegramBotToken' => env('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN'), 'profile_photo_disk' => 'public', // Storage disk for profile photos ],
3. Database Schema
This package adds three fields to your users table:
- The Telegram user identifiertelegram_avatar_url
- URL to the user's Telegram avatar imagetelegram_photo_path
- Local path to the user's profile photo
The good news is that you don't need to modify your User model's $fillable
array. The package sets these fields directly on the model instance.
4. Publish and run migrations
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=telegram-auth-migrations php artisan migrate
Migrations will make the password and Email Field nullable
and these field will be nulled for users who authenticate via telegram. so beware if you typehint or expect these to be a string.
5. Configure Tailwind CSS
To ensure that Tailwind CSS properly processes the component styles, add this package to your content sources in your CSS file (typically resources/css/app.css
/* Add this line with your other @source directives */ @source '../../vendor/scriptoshi/livewire-telegram-auth/resources/views/**/*.blade.php';
For example, your CSS file might look similar to this:
@import "tailwindcss"; @source "../views"; @source '../../vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pagination/resources/views/*.blade.php'; @source '../../vendor/scriptoshi/livewire-telegram-auth/resources/views/**/*.blade.php'; /* Rest of your CSS file */
6. (Optional) Publish views
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=telegram-auth-views
Simply include the Livewire component in your login page:
<livewire:telegram-login />
User Registration Logic
If you need to customize the user registration process, you can extend the TelegramLogin
component and override the register
<?php namespace App\Livewire; use Scriptoshi\LivewireTelegramAuth\Components\TelegramLogin as BaseTelegramLogin; class CustomTelegramLogin extends BaseTelegramLogin { protected function register($udata) { // Your custom registration logic here // ... // Call parent method or implement your own logic return parent::register($udata); } }
Then register your custom component in a service provider:
Livewire::component('custom-telegram-login', CustomTelegramLogin::class);
And use it in your blade file:
<livewire:custom-telegram-login />
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.