
Request and Response handler incl. JSON-RPC

0.5.4 2014-03-24 11:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 01:11:04 UTC


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A small library to handle http requests and responses including JSON-RPC.



How to install

Since this library is build with PHP 5.4 syntax you are required to have it installed. Simplon/Border can bei installed by either downloading it from github or via Composer. I encourage you to do the latter. Here is a snippet from a possible composer.json file:

  "require": {
    "php": ">=5.4",
    "simplon/border": "0.5.2"

Request object

The request class is basically an interface wrapper for PHP's $_SERVER variable. I also added some methods which help to identify/handle JSON-RPC requests.


Just a couple of calls to show you how we roll. Have a look at the class to see all methods:

// print request method
echo Request::getInstance()->getMethod();

// print request uri
echo Request::getInstance()->getUri();

// print query string
echo Request::getInstance()->getQueryString();

// print remote ip
echo Request::getInstance()->getRemoteIp();

How to handle JSON-RPC requests?

// is that a json-rpc request?
  // print request id
  echo Request::getInstance()->getJsonRpcId();
  // print method
  echo Request::getInstance()->getJsonRpcMethod();

  // print params | array

Response object

In the demand of talking HTTP? The response class does exactly that. You can use it to respond to a http request by sending:

  • status codes (e.g. 200, 400, 500 ...)
  • initiating a file download
  • initiating a streaming process (chunking)
  • return to referer
  • json-rpc response
  • json response
  • html response
  • text
  • redirect to another address


Here are a couple of examples. Have a look at the class to see all:

// initiating file download
(new Response())->sendFile('/your/file/path/file.pdf', 'application/pdf');

// talk json-rpc
(new Response())->sendJsonRpc('result', ['name' => 'hansi'], 1);

// talk json
(new Response())->sendJson(['name' => 'hansi']);

// send status code
(new Response())->sendStatusCode(500);