
Harbor Generator commands

v1.0.1 2022-08-16 18:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:30:58 UTC


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Harbor Generator commands


Harbor Crane is a tool to generate files and directories for Porto architecture pattern.


You may install Harbor Crane via Composer:

composer require skavys/harbor-crane --dev

Alternatively, Harbor Crane has standalone version distributed as PHAR archive. You may download phar version in Assets section of each release.


Each command has following global options:

  • --config - loads configuration from a JSON file;
  • --ship - relative path to the Ship directory (default is src/Ship);
  • --containers - relative path to the Containers directory (default is src/Containers);
  • --src-namespace - Porto root namespace (default is App).

Available Commands

Run vendor/bin/harbor-crane to see the list of available commands.


Run following command to create AccountSection section:

./vendor/bin/harbor-crane make:section AccountSection

You can create section and containers inside this section in one step:

./vendor/bin/harbor-crane make:section AccountSection --container-name=User --container-name=Profile

Above command will create AccountSection section and two containers in it: User and Profile.

Run following command to create Product container:

./vendor/bin/harbor-crane make:container Product

Above command will create Product container in containers directory (src/Containers by default).

You can create section and container in it in one step:

./vendor/bin/harbor-crane make:container Product --section=ProductSection

Above command will create ProductSection section if it doesn't exist and create Product container in this section.

Configuration file

If your global options differ from default ones and you don't want to provide them for each command run, you can create JSON configuration file. By default, the name of configuration file is harbor-crane.json and it should be located in the root directory of your project:

    "ship": "app/Ship",
    "containers": "app/Containers",
    "src-namespace": "App"


Thank you for considering contributing to Harbor Crane! You can read the contribution guide here.

Code of Conduct

Please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.



Harbor Crane is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.