
Laravel recommendation engine

0.0.3-alpha 2023-08-12 20:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 05:02:09 UTC


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Bring your user experience to the next level! Laravel Mirror lets you suggest content to your users intelligently! Easily recommend blog posts, products, recipes, books, etc., with pure PHP! Start by registering a recommendation strategy and routinely updating recommendations in a CRON job!


You can install the package via composer:

composer require "snowbuilds/laravel-mirror:^0.0.3-alpha"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SnowBuilds\Mirror\MirrorServiceProvider"


Registering a strategy is as simple as comparing two values! We added some utilities for convenience. For example, recommending blog posts with similar titles:

use SnowBuilds\Mirror\Concerns\Recommendations;
use SnowBuilds\Mirror\Mirror;

class Post extends Model
    use Recommendations;

    public function registerRecommendations(): void

Weighted Averages

It is possible to combine algorithms! For example, suggesting posts with similar titles and tags. Adding weights will give fields precedence. Larger numbers have higher precedence. We made the title field score higher in a recommendation engine than the tags:

public function registerRecommendations(): void
        ->levenshtein('title', 2)
        ->euclidean('tags', 1);

Different Properties in the Same Calculation

You can add a second parameter to the utility method when comparing properties with different names. For example, users should see posts based on their biography and followed communities:

class User extends Model
    use Recommendations;

    public function registerRecommendations(): void
            ->levenshtein('biography', 'title', 1) // compare biography to post title
            ->euclidean('communities', 'tags', 3); // compare communities to post tags

Custom Scoring algorithms

When the helper utilities are insufficient, you can invoke custom algorithms using the using method. The first value, $a, is the model that has recommendations, and the second value, $b, is the model being suggested:

class User extends Model
    public function registerRecommendations(): void
            ->using(function (User $a, Post $b) {
                return Algorithm::levenshtein($a->name, $b->name);

Combining Weights with Custom Algorithms

Weights can also be applied to custom algorithms. The weights are applied in the order that the algorithm was registered. Our custom title comparator will take precedence over our tag comparator:

public function registerRecommendations(): void
        ->using(function ($a, $b) {
            return Algorithm::levenshtein($a->title, $b->title);
        ->using(function ($a, $b) {
            return Algorithm::euclidean($a->tags, $b->tags);

Managing Multiple Algorithms and Weights

The code becomes hard to read when using multiple custom algorithms and weights. If you use an associative array, you can keep your algorithms and weights organized:

public function registerRecommendations(): void
            'titles' => fn ($a, $b) => Algorithm::levenshtein($a->title, $b->title),
            'tags' => fn ($a, $b) => Algorithm::levenshtein($a->tags, $b->tags),
            'titles' => 2,
            'tags' => 1,

Macros - Extracting Algorithms

When your custom algorithm is too cumbersome, you can extract it into a macro. We use an internal utility for registering algorithms, which you are free to use in your macros. This will create a clean utility API ->huggingFace for our user model:

// ServiceProvider.php
ScoringStrategy::macro('huggingFace', function (...$args) {
  return $this->registerAlgorithm(
    fn($a, $b) => HuggingFace::invokeEmbedding($a, $b),

// Model.php
class User extends Model 
    public function registerRecommendations(): void


You can define a relationship between the model and the suggested content using the morphsRecommendation method. The content is ordered by the most suggested content:

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Recommendations;

    public function recommendedRecipes() {
        return $this->morphRecommendation(Recipe::class);

Generating Recommendation Matrix

Calculating recommendations is resource-intensive. Laravel Mirror provides a command for syncing recommendations. After syncing, the recommendations are stored in the database and you will be able to fetch related suggestions:

php artisan mirror:sync

In production, this should be a CRON job or registered in the Laravel kernel.

class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule): void


  • Blazingly Fast!
  • Polymorphic recommendations
  • Recommendation collections
  • Common comparison algorithms
  • Sync command
  • Testing
  • Programmatically invoke syncing actions
  • Simplified API for weights and faceted algorithms
  • Queueing
  • More algorithms
  • More settings


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security-related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.

Code of Conduct

In order to ensure that the Laravel community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.