
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0) of this package.

1.0 2015-02-10 09:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 20:28:48 UTC


This packages makes it possible to connect your Laravel app to Snowfire.

Install the package

Add this to your composer.json

"snowfire/snowfire-app": "dev-master"

Add this to your service providers in config/app.php


Add this to your route middlewares in app/Http/Kernel.php

'snowfire' => 'Snowfire\App\Middleware\SnowfireMiddleware',
'snowfireAdmin' => 'Snowfire\App\Middleware\SnowfireAdminMiddleware',

Publish the config file

$ php artisan vendor:publish

Create the database table for snowfire installations

$ php artisan migrate

Seed data

Add this to your DatabaseSeeder.php


CSRF protection

If you have CSRF middleware activated in app/Http/Kernel.php open app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php and add the following to the handle method:

if ($request->header('User-Agent') == 'Snowfire')
	return $next($request);

Integration possibilities

There are two different ways to connect your app to Snowfire. As a link in the admin area and as a public action.


Lets say you have a list of events. A public action will be something like which will render an HTML <ul> list. Then you will have an admin link from Snowfire to which will let users add/edit/remove events.

Start by adding your actions to config/snowfire_app.php

return [
	'id' => 'demo_app',
	'name' => 'Demo app',
	'tab' => 'admin',
	'actions' => [
		'events' => '',
		'event' => '',

This config adds the admin link as a named route called and a route for all events. Both tab and actions are optional (but you need one of them, right?)

Your routes.php

// Admin routes
Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin/{snowfireAppId}', 'before' => 'snowfireAppAuth', 'namespace' => 'Admin'], function()
	Route::get('/', ['as' => 'admin.index', function($appId)
        return 'Admin for appId: ' . $appId;


// Action routes
Route::group(['namespace' => 'Action'], function()
	Route::get('events', ['uses' => 'EventsController@index', 'as' => '']);
	Route::get('events/{id}', ['uses' => 'EventsController@event', 'as' => '']);

This creates an admin route and the public action. The admin route is behind a snowfireAppAuth filter which makes sure the user is logged in and trusted.

Your Snowfire snippet to the public event list

Login to Snowfire and install the app (System -> Apps)

Create a new snippet with this code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <name>All events</name>
		{ com_application2 (
            id: '{{ component_id_0 }}',
            description: 'Demo App',
            app: 'demo_app',
            action: 'events',
            debug: 'true'
        ) }

Warning: Adding applications to the root / (i.e the home page) is currently not supported. Please create a sub page to add your app.

Now just add the snippet to a page and it will show you a list of events.


When you are working in an action that will be rendered within Snowfire, you need to use:

<a href="{{ Snowfire::route('my.route') }}">A linked route</a>

This will make sure the links works from within Snowfire.