
TLE storage component for Yii2 based on API

1.3.0 2016-10-18 18:38 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-01 21:19:56 UTC


Module extension provides TLE download and storage component for Yii2. It relies on Space Track API to get relevant TLE data.


This module relies on CURL PHP extension.


In order to use the module:

  1. Add it to composer.json file of your Yii2 application:

     "solarpatrol/yii2-tle": "^1.0.0"

    or run:

     $ composer install solarpatrol/yii2-tle
  2. Add module to your application's configuration and set up storage component:

     'modules' => [
         'tle' => [
             'class' => 'solarpatrol\tle\Module',
             'components' => [
                 'storage' => [
                     'class' => 'solarpatrol\tle\FileStorage',
                     'actualDaysCount' => 10,
                     'storagePath' => '@runtime/tle',
                     'spaceTrackLogin' => 'myspace',
                     'spaceTrackPassword' => 'passw0rd',
                     'dirMode' => 0777,
                     'fileMode' => 0666,

    Refer to configuration section in order to get how to configure storage component.

  3. In case of using modules' web and console controllers and actions (when direct access to the module \Yii::$app->getModule('tle') is not planned) add the module to bootstrapping stage

  4. If solarpatrol\tle\DatabaseStorage is used as storage component then apply module migrations to create a table to store TLEs in:

     ./yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/solarpatrol/yii2-tle/migrations


Access TLE storage component:

$storage = \Yii::$app->getModule('tle')->storage;

Download actual TLEs for Terra, Aqua and Meteor-M №2 satellites in a range of 3 days and add them to the storage (satellites are identified by their NORAD ids):

$storage->update([25994, 27424, 40069], time() - 86400 * 3, time());

Add TLE for Terra to the storage manually (not recommended):

    '0 25994',
    '1 40069U 14037A   16200.39183603 -.00000022  00000-0  99041-5 0  9999',
    '2 40069  98.7043 255.1534 0006745  96.2107 263.9838 14.20632312105160'

Get all TLEs for Terra in the storage within specified time range:

$tles = $storage->get(25994, '2016-07-18', '2016-07-20T23:59:59');

Get all TLEs for Terra and Aqua in the storage within specified time range (result is an associative array where keys are NORAD identifiers of satellites and values are arrays of found TLEs):

$tles = $storage->get([25994, 27424], '2016-07-18', '2016-07-20T23:59:59');

Find closest actual TLE for Terra within specified time range:

$tles = $storage->get(25994, '2016-07-18', '2016-07-20T23:59:59');
$tle = Storage::getClosest($tles, '2016-07-19T16:44:44');

Remove Terra TLE from the storage manually (not recommended):

    '0 25994',
    '1 40069U 14037A   16200.39183603 -.00000022  00000-0  99041-5 0  9999',
    '2 40069  98.7043 255.1534 0006745  96.2107 263.9838 14.20632312105160'

Get a list of all known launched satellites:

$satellites = $storage->getSatcat();
foreach($satellites as $satellite) {
    print $satellite['id'] . ' ' . $satellite['name'] . "\n";


Two implementations of solarpatrol\tle\Storage component are supported:

  • solarpatrol\tle\FileStorage — stores TLEs in file system;
  • solarpatrol\tle\DatabaseStorage — stores TLEs in database.

Both of them have the following common sensitive configuration properties:

  • actualDaysCount — number of days to use to perform requested action if both start and end of time range are not specified (defaults to 5);
  • spaceTrackLoginSpace Track account's name (e-mail) that can be created here (required);
  • spaceTrackPassword — password for Space Track account (required);
  • connectionTimeout — timeout in seconds for CURL requests to Space Track API (defaults to 30);
  • enableCaching — whether CURL requests' results should be cached (defaults to true);
  • cacheExpiration — cache expiration in seconds (defaults to 21600);
  • userAgent — user agent header to set for CURL requests to Space Track API;
  • proxyHost — proxy host (if used);
  • proxyPort — proxy port (if used);
  • proxyAuthLogin — proxy authentication login (if proxy requires authentication);
  • proxyAuthPassword — proxy authentication password (if proxy requires authentication).

FileStorage has the following additional properties:

  • storagePath — path to directory to store TLE files in (defaults to @runtime/tle);
  • dirMode — directories' creation mode (defaults to 0775);
  • fileMode — files' creation mode.

DatabaseStorage has the following additional properties:

  • db — name, configuration array or instance of database connection used to access TLE table (defaults to db).

Web requests

In order to use built-in web controller specify the module in bootstrap configuration of web application:

'bootstrap' => ['tle', ...other modules],
'modules' => [
    'tle' => [
        'components' => [
            'storage' => [
                'class' => 'solarpatrol\tle\FileStorage',

and run web action:


If you want to change controller's identifier (which is tle by default) set webControllerId:

'module' => 
    'class' => 'solarpatrol\tle\FileStorage',
    'webControllerId` => 'orbit`

Run web action:


The following web actions are available:

  1. Request TLEs for given satellites within given time range:

    • id is array of satellites' NORAD identifiers;
    • startTime is start of time range in ISO 8601 or Unix timestamp (optional, if omitted then a moment actualDaysCount days earlier than endTime is taken);
    • endTime is end of time range in ISO 8601 or Unix timestamp (optional, if omitted then current system time is taken);
    • download if it's set then attempt to download TLEs missed in the storage will be executed.


    • Request TLEs for Terra and Aqua for recent five days:

    • Request TLEs for Terra, Aqua and Meteor-M №2 in time range 21st of September, 2016 — 23rd of September, 2016:


Console commands

In order to use console commands specify the module in bootstrap configuration of console application:

'bootstrap' => ['tle', ...other modules],
'modules' => [
    'tle' => [
        'components' => [
            'storage' => [
                'class' => 'solarpatrol\tle\FileStorage',

and run a command:

./yii tle/update 25994

If you want to change controller's identifier (which is tle by default) set consoleControllerId:

'module' => 
    'class' => 'solarpatrol\tle\FileStorage',
    'consoleControllerId` => 'orbit`

Run a command:

./yii orbit/update 25994

The following console commands are available:

  1. Download TLEs and save them in the storage (default):

     ./yii tle/update [ids] [--existing] [--all] [--startTime] [--endTime]


    • ids is a set of NORAD identifiers (used when both existing and all arguments are missed);
    • existing determines ids automatically basing on TLEs already existing in the storage;
    • all determines ids automatically basing on Satellite Catalog of all known launched satellites;
    • startTime is start of time range in ISO 8601 or Unix timestamp (optional, if omitted then a moment actualDaysCount days earlier than endTime is taken);
    • endTime is end of time range in ISO 8601 or Unix timestamp (optional, if omitted then current system time is taken).


    • Download and store TLEs for Terra and Aqua for recent five days:

        ./yii tle/update 25994 27424
    • Download and store TLEs for Terra, Aqua and Meteor-M №2 in time range 21st of September, 2016 — 23rd of September, 2016:

        ./yii tle/update 25994 27424 40069 --startTime=2016-09-21 --endTime=2016-09-23T23:59:59
    • Download TLEs for all satellites which are already in the storage:

        ./yii tle/update --existing
    • Download TLEs for all known launched satellites:

        ./yii tle/update --all


Before making a pull request, please, be sure that your changes are rebased to dev branch.