
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

dev-master 2025-03-23 08:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-23 08:40:29 UTC


This package is highly experimental. I am actively testing different approaches, and the API is frequently changing. Use it at your own risk.


  • Unified API for multiple language models
  • Tool integration
  • Response caching
  • Asynchronous requests
  • Feedback loop handling
  • Automatic token limit handling (continuation support)

Supported models

  • Anthropic (Claude)
  • OpenAI (GPT)
  • AWS Bedrock (package soukicz/llm-aws-bedrock)


composer require soukicz/llm


All clients support caching. You can use the provided FileCache or implement your own cache by extending CacheInterface. A DynamoDB cache implementation is also available in the soukicz/llm-cache-dynamodb package.

Caching operates at the HTTP request level. To ensure correct caching behavior, always specify exact model names instead of using general terms like "latest," to prevent cached responses from older models. Cached responses still report the original response time.


Use MarkdownDebugFormatter to convert LLMRequest or LLMResponse objects to markdown format, aiding debugging and logging.

LLM clients also support an optional Guzzle middleware for HTTP-level logging.

Saving state

The LLMConversation object supports JSON serialization and deserialization. This allows you to save conversation states and resume them later.

Simple request and response

use Soukicz\Llm\Cache\FileCache;
use Soukicz\Llm\Client\Anthropic\AnthropicClient;
use Soukicz\Llm\Client\LLMChainClient;
use Soukicz\Llm\Message\LLMMessage;
use Soukicz\Llm\Message\LLMMessageText;
use Soukicz\Llm\LLMConversation;
use Soukicz\Llm\LLMRequest;
use Soukicz\Llm\LLMResponse;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$cache = new FileCache(sys_get_temp_dir());
$anthropic = new AnthropicClient('sk-xxxxx', $cache);
$chainClient = new LLMChainClient();

// simple synchronous request
$response = $chainClient->run(
    client: $anthropic,
    request: new LLMRequest(
        model: AnthropicClient::MODEL_SONNET_37_20250219,
        conversation: new LLMConversation([LLMMessage::createFromUser([new LLMMessageText('Hello, how are you?')])]),
echo $response->getLastText();

// simple async request
$response = $chainClient->runAsync(
    client: $anthropic,
    request: new LLMRequest(
        model: AnthropicClient::MODEL_SONNET_37_20250219,
        conversation: new LLMConversation([LLMMessage::createFromUser([new LLMMessageText('Hello, how are you?')])]),
)->then(function (LLMResponse $response) {
    echo $response->getLastText();


use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use Soukicz\Llm\Cache\FileCache;
use Soukicz\Llm\Client\Anthropic\AnthropicClient;
use Soukicz\Llm\Client\LLMChainClient;
use Soukicz\Llm\Message\LLMMessage;
use Soukicz\Llm\Message\LLMMessageText;
use Soukicz\Llm\LLMConversation;
use Soukicz\Llm\LLMRequest;
use Soukicz\Llm\Tool\ToolDefinition;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$cache = new FileCache(sys_get_temp_dir());
$anthropic = new AnthropicClient('sk-xxxxxx', $cache);
$chainClient = new LLMChainClient();

$currencyTool = new ToolDefinition(
    name: 'currency_rates',
    description: 'Tool for getting current currency rates. Required input is currency code of source currency and currency code of target currency.',
    inputSchema: [
        'type' => 'object',
        'properties' => [
            'source_currency' => ['type' => 'string'],
            'target_currency' => ['type' => 'string'],
        'required' => ['source_currency', 'target_currency'],
    handler: function (array $input): PromiseInterface {
        $client = new Client();

        // tool can return either a promise or a value
        return $client->getAsync('' . strtolower($input['source_currency']) . '.json')
            ->then(function (Response $response) use ($input) {
                $data = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);

                return [
                    'rate' => $data[strtolower($input['source_currency'])][strtolower($input['target_currency'])],

$response = $chainClient->run(
    request: new LLMRequest(
        model: AnthropicClient::MODEL_SONNET_37_20250219,
        conversation: new LLMConversation([LLMMessage::createFromUser([new LLMMessageText('How much is 100 USD in EUR today?')])]),
        tools: [$currencyTool],
echo $response->getLastText();

Feedback loop handling

LLMChainClient manages feedback loops. Define a callback function to validate responses and optionally request a retry. Always include a loop counter to prevent infinite loops.

use Soukicz\Llm\Cache\FileCache;
use Soukicz\Llm\Client\Anthropic\AnthropicClient;
use Soukicz\Llm\Client\LLMChainClient;
use Soukicz\Llm\LLMResponse;
use Soukicz\Llm\Message\LLMMessage;
use Soukicz\Llm\Message\LLMMessageText;
use Soukicz\Llm\LLMConversation;
use Soukicz\Llm\LLMRequest;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$cache = new FileCache(sys_get_temp_dir());
$anthropic = new AnthropicClient('sk-xxxxxx', $cache);
$chainClient = new LLMChainClient();

$response = $chainClient->run(
    client: $anthropic,
    request: new LLMRequest(
        model: AnthropicClient::MODEL_SONNET_37_20250219,
        conversation: new LLMConversation([LLMMessage::createFromUser([new LLMMessageText('List 5 animals in JSON array and wrap this array in XML tag named "animals"')])]),
    feedbackCallback: function (LLMResponse $llmResponse): ?LLMMessage {
        if (preg_match('~<animals>(.+)</animals>~s', $llmResponse->getLastText(), $m)) {
            try {
                json_decode($m[1], true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);

                return null;
            } catch (JsonException $e) {
                return LLMMessage::createFromUser([new LLMMessageText('I am sorry, but the response is not a valid JSON (' . $e->getMessage() . '). Please respond again.')]);

        return LLMMessage::createFromUser([new LLMMessageText('I am sorry, but I could not find animals tag in the response. Please respond again.')]);

echo $response->getLastText();

Feedback loop handling - nested LLM

You can use nested LLM calls within a feedback loop to validate complex responses through an additional LLM evaluation step.

use Soukicz\Llm\Cache\FileCache;
use Soukicz\Llm\Client\Anthropic\AnthropicClient;
use Soukicz\Llm\Client\LLMChainClient;
use Soukicz\Llm\LLMResponse;
use Soukicz\Llm\Message\LLMMessage;
use Soukicz\Llm\Message\LLMMessageText;
use Soukicz\Llm\LLMConversation;
use Soukicz\Llm\LLMRequest;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$cache = new FileCache(sys_get_temp_dir());
$anthropic = new AnthropicClient('sk-xxxxx', $cache);
$chainClient = new LLMChainClient();

$response = $chainClient->run(
    client: $anthropic,
    request: new LLMRequest(
        model: AnthropicClient::MODEL_SONNET_37_20250219,
        conversation: new LLMConversation([LLMMessage::createFromUser([new LLMMessageText('List all US states in JSON array and wrap this array in XML tag named "states"')])]),
    feedbackCallback: function (LLMResponse $llmResponse) use ($anthropic, $chainClient): ?LLMMessage {
        if (preg_match('~</states>(.+)~s', $llmResponse->getLastText(), $m)) {
            $suffix = trim(trim(trim($m[3]), '`'));
            if (empty($suffix)) {
                return null;

            $checkResponse = $chainClient->run(
                client: $anthropic,
                request: new LLMRequest(
                    model: AnthropicClient::MODEL_HAIKU_35_20241022, // use cheap and fast model for this simple task
                    conversation: new LLMConversation([
                            new LLMMessageText(<<<EOT
I need help with understanding of text. I have submitted work and I have received following text at the end of response:


I need you to decide if this means that work was completed or if I should request continuation of work. Briefly explain what you see in response and finally output WORK_COMPLETED or WORK_NOT_COMPLETED. This is automated process and I need one of these two outputs.

            if (str_contains($checkResponse->getLastText(), 'WORK_COMPLETED')) {
                return null;

            return LLMMessage::createFromUser([new LLMMessageText('Please continue')]);

        return null;

echo $response->getLastText();

Token limit handling

Handle long responses using continuationCallback. The helper method LLMChainClient::continueTagResponse simplifies splitting long outputs into multiple parts.

use Soukicz\Llm\Cache\FileCache;
use Soukicz\Llm\Client\Anthropic\AnthropicClient;
use Soukicz\Llm\Client\LLMChainClient;
use Soukicz\Llm\LLMResponse;
use Soukicz\Llm\Message\LLMMessage;
use Soukicz\Llm\Message\LLMMessageText;
use Soukicz\Llm\LLMConversation;
use Soukicz\Llm\LLMRequest;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$cache = new FileCache(sys_get_temp_dir());
$anthropic = new AnthropicClient('sk-xxxx', $cache);
$chainClient = new LLMChainClient();

$response = $chainClient->run(
    client: $anthropic,
    request: new LLMRequest(
        model: AnthropicClient::MODEL_SONNET_37_20250219,
        conversation: new LLMConversation([LLMMessage::createFromUser([new LLMMessageText('List all US states. Batch output by 5 states and output each batch as JSON array and wrap this array in XML tag named "states"')])]),
        maxTokens: 55
    continuationCallback: function (LLMResponse $llmResponse): LLMRequest {
        return LLMChainClient::continueTagResponse($llmResponse->getRequest(), ['states'], 'Continue');

echo $response->getLastText();