
Laravel SDK for Providus Bank collection APIs

2.0.1 2025-01-27 18:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 17:31:48 UTC


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Laravel SDK for Providus Bank collection APIs


You can install the package via composer:

composer require stephenjude/providus-sdk

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="providus-sdk-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'id' => env('PROVIDUS_ID'),

    'secret' => env('PROVIDUS_SECRET'),

    'base_url' => env('PROVIDUS_BASE_URL', ''),

     * Set SDK to demo mode. This mode makes use of the demo signature provided by Providus bank.
    'demo_mode' => env('PROVIDUS_DEMO', false),

     * Auth signature used for demo requests
    'demo_signature' => 'BE09BEE831CF262226B426E39BD1092AF84DC63076D4174FAC78A2261F9A3D6E59744983B8326B69CDF2963FE314DFC89635CFA37A40596508DD6EAAB09402C7',

    'webhook' => [
         * This secret is used to verify that the payload has not been tampered with.
        'signing_secret' => env('PROVIDUS_SECRET'),

         * The name of the header containing the signature.
        'signature_header_name' => 'X-Auth-Signature',

         * This class will verify that the content of the signature header is valid.
         * It should implement \Providus\Providus\SignatureValidator\SignatureValidator
        'signature_validator' => \Providus\Providus\SignatureValidator\DefaultSignatureValidator::class,

         * The classname of the controller to be used to process the webhook.
         * This should be set to a class that extends \Providus\Providus\Http\Controllers\WebhookController::class
        'controller' => \Providus\Providus\Http\Controllers\WebhookController::class,

         * The route path that maps the webhook request to the webhook controller.
        'path' => '/internals/webhook/providus/events',


Initiailize the Providus API

$bank = new \Providus\Providus\Providus();


//Or use Facade
use \Providus\Providus\Facades\Providus;


Creating dynamic account number:

$accountDetails = $bank->createDynamicAccountNumber('customer_name');

Creating reserved account number:

$accountDetails =  $bank->createReservedAccountNumber('customer_name', 'customer_bvn');

Updating account name:

$accountDetails = $bank->updateAccountName('customer_updated_name', 'customer_account_number');

Blacklisting account number:


Verifying transaction using session or settlement ID:

$transaction = $bank->verifyTransactionBySessionId('session_id');

$transaction =  $bank->verifyTransactionBySettlementId('settlement_id');


Webbhook Controller

You have to create a controller class that extends the base webhook controller that comes with this package. Update the providus config file to use your own defined controller.

     * The classname of the controller to be used to process the webhook.
     * This should be set to a class that extends \Providus\Providus\Http\Controllers\WebhookController::class
    'controller' => App\Http\Controllers\ProvidusWebhookController::class,

Update your controller like this to return the valid responses to providus for successful and duplicate responses. This package handles rejected response for you.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Providus\Providus\Http\Controllers\WebhookController;

class ProvidusWebhookController extends WebhookController
    public function handle(Request $request)

        if ($this->sessionHasDuplicate($request->input('sessionId'))) {
            return $this->duplicateResponse($request);

       // Webhook request is valid, so you can do your thing here.

        return $this->successfulResponse($request);
    public function sessionHasDuplicate(string $sessionId){
        // Check if session ID has duplicate. A duplicate sessions is for transaction you have already processed previously.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.