
A starting point for basic PHP packages. Allows configuration of PHPUnit and TravisCI

1.1.1 2015-11-28 23:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-08 07:10:37 UTC


PHP Package is a template for the NewUp package generator. The NewUp generator is a general-purpose tool for creating things from templates; PHP Package is a template that provides you with a starting point for your PHP projects.


First, make sure you have NewUp installed and configured. Afterwards, you can run this command:

newup template:install stillat/php-package

NewUp will then install and configure everything it needs to internally for the php-package template.

General Usage

After you have installed the php-package template, we are ready to create a new PHP Package:

newup a stillat/php-package vendor/package <output_directory>

In the above example, replace vendor/package with the vendor and package name of your new package (for example stillat/php-package) and replace <output_directory> with the directory you want the package to be created in.

Used with no options, PHP Package will create a directory/file structure similar to the following:


The src/ directory is where you will create your new package/library. It is empty so you have a fresh starting point. This directory will be autoloaded by Composer using the psr-0 autoloader.

The .gitignore file contains quite a few options set for you by default, with instructions on how to remove configured options and where to find more.

The composer.json file is your standard composer.json file. If you configured NewUp with your name and email address, the authors field will already be filled in for you.

Specifying a PHP version

You can specify a PHP version that your package requires by providing an extra parameter when generating your package:

newup a stillat/php-package vendor/package <output_directory> <php_version>

By default, the PHP version is set to >=5.5.9.

For example, we could easily state that our package needs at least PHP 5.6 when creating our package (pay special attention to the quotes!):

newup a stillat/php-package vendor/package <output_directory> ">=5.6"

PSR-0 / PSR-4

You can choose which autoloader to use by supplying a value for the --psr option. The following table lists the valid values you can use:

The PSR-4 autoloader is selected by default.

When choosing to use the PSR-0 autoloader, directory scaffolding will automatically be created for you. For example, if the package name was stillat/test, the following directory structure would be created when using the PSR-0 autoloader:

│── src/
│   ├── Stillat/
│   │   ├────── Test/
├── composer.json
├── .gitignore

This is different that when using the PSR-4 autoloader, as the src/ directory would just be empty.

PHPUnit Integration

To enable PHPUnit support on your generated package, just add the "--phpunit" switch to the end of the command:

newup a stillat/php-package vendor/package <output_directory> --phpunit

The following additional directories/files will be created for you:


The tests/ directory will be where your tests will live. An example test (tests/ExampleTest.php is already included in this directory (this can be safely deleted).

The phpunit.xml file contains the configuration for PHPUnit. It is already configured with sensible defaults and features a customized test suite name.

In addition to creating new directories and files for you, opting in to PHPUnit integration will also update your generated composer.json file to include mockery/mockery and phpunit/phpunit automatically.

TravisCI Integration

If you would like to rapidly configure TravisCI for your project, just add the --travis switch to the end of the command:

newup a stillat/php-package vendor/package <output_directory> --travis

You will see interactive prompts that will guide you through the configuration process. An example session might look something like this:

Would you like to add a PHP version to test? [Y/n] Y
Which PHP version would you like to test? 5.5.9
Do you want to allow failures for PHP version 5.5.9? [y/N] N

Would you like to add a PHP version to test? [Y/n] Y
Which PHP version would you like to test? 5.6
Do you want to allow failures for PHP version 5.6? [y/N] N

Would you like to add a PHP version to test? [Y/n] Y
Which PHP version would you like to test? 7.0
Do you want to allow failures for PHP version 7.0? [y/N] Y

Would you like to add a PHP version to test? [Y/n] Y
Which PHP version would you like to test? hhvm
Do you want to allow failures for PHP version hhvm? [y/N] N

Would you like to add a PHP version to test? [Y/n] N

This would generate a .travis.yml file similar to the following:

language: php

  - 5.5.9
  - 5.6
  - 7.0
  - hhvm

        - php: 7.0

sudo: false

install: travis_retry composer install --no-interaction --prefer-source

TravisCI and PHPUnit

If you specify both the --travis and the --phpunit flags, the following script will be added to the end of your .travis.yml file automatically for you:

script: vendor/bin/phpunit


Licensed under the MIT License. Enjoy!