
Docdata Payments support for Omnipay payment processing library

3.2.3 2020-04-28 06:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 23:21:33 UTC


Docdata/CM Payments support for Omnipay payment processing library.

This package is geared towards the Webdirect method of handling orders in Docdata Payments (now CM payments).

Authorize data


public function getAuthorizeData() {
    $card = new CreditCard(); // Omnipay CC model
    $card->setGender('U'); // U, F, M
    $card->setBillingCity(mb_substr($address->getCity(), 0, 35)); // max 35
    $data = [
        'description' => sprintf('Invoice #%s', $invoice->getReference()),
        'paymentProfile' => $this->getDocDataPaymentProfile(), // set in Docdata backoffice
        'paymentDays' => self::DOCDATA_INVOICE_VALIDITY_DAYS, // own choice
        'transactionId' => sprintf('%s _ %s', $invoice->getReference(), Uuid::uuid4()), // shown to customer. Needs to be unique
        'currency' => 'EUR', // capitalized
        'amount' => 100,
        'shopperId' => $invoice->getCustomerReference(),
        'language' => 'en', // lowercase
        'card' => $card,
        'houseNumberAddition' => $formatedAddress['houseNumberAddition'],
        'paymentMethod' => 'IDEAL',
    /* Payment methods (defined by docdata)
     * #figure 9
     * BanContact => 'MISTERCASH'
     * Bank_transfer => 'BANK_TRANSFER'
     * Elv => 'ELV'
     * Eps => 'EPS'
     * Giropay => 'GIROPAY'
     * Ideal => 'IDEAL'
     * Sofort => 'SOFORT_UEBERWEISUNG'
     return $data;


Ideal has some special quirks. Add the issuer to the getAuthorizeData method thusly:

    $data['paymentInputType'] = 'iDealPaymentInput';
    $data['paymentInput'] = [
        'issuerId' => $request['issuerId'],

IssuerId is set by Docdata and not documented in the implementation manual.

      iban => docdata code  // bank name
'ASNBNL21' => 'ASN'         // ASN
'BUNQNL2A' => 'BUNQ'        // Bunq
'HANDNL2A' => 'HAND'        // Svenska Handelsbanken
'INGBNL2A' => 'ING'         // ING
'KNABNL2H' => 'KNAB'        // Knab
'MOYONL21' => 'MOYO'        // MoneYou
'RABONL2U' => 'RABO'        // RABO
'RBRBNL21' => 'REGIOBANK'   // Regiobank
'SNSBNL2A' => 'SNS'         // SNS
'TRIONL2U' => 'TRIODOS'     // Triodos
'FVLBNL22' => 'VANLANSCHOT' // Van Lanschot


Some payment methods require (most, or a lot) of information also sent on the Authorize call, so getting the same data and adding the transactionReference is the most foolproof way.

public function getCompleteAuthorizeData(): array {
    $data = $this->getAuthorizeData();
    $data['transactionReference'] = $paymentTransaction->getReference();
    $data['authorizationResultType'] = 'iDealAuthorizationResult'; // differs per payment method
    $data['authorizationResult'] = []; // same here
    return $data;


Docdata can handle CC data if you don't want to store or handle the user input (Protip: don't handle them). To handle this in the package you should use the OnePageCheckoutGateway. This way the code will still create the order in docdata, and try to capture it, but not expect you to send the card holder, cc number, etc.

The webdirect flow uses the WebdirectGateway.