
A Simple Feed Reader Laravel Package

0.10.0 2021-06-23 17:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 00:44:55 UTC


Please note: This package is still under development and not yet intended for productive usage but feel free to contribute.

Tentaclefeed FeedReader

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With this package it is easy to discover, read and parse RSS and ATOM feeds.


You can install this package via composer using:

composer require tentaclefeed/feedreader

The package will automatically register itself.

Publish configuration

To publish the FeedReader config file run:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tentaclefeed\Feedreader\FeedreaderServiceProvider" --tag="config"

The default config file contains the following:

return [
    | Cache configuration
    | The FeedReader and Explorer can cache requests automatically for you to
    | increase performance.
    'cache' => [
        'explorer' => [
            'seconds' => 86400, // One day
        'reader' => [
            'seconds' => 1800, // 30 minutes


Discover Feeds

use Tentaclefeed\Feedreader\Facades\FeedReader;

$feeds = FeedReader::discover('https://www.nytimes.com/');

Illuminate\Support\Collection {#491
  #items: array:1 [
    0 => array:3 [
      "title" => "RSS",
      "icon" => "http://nytimes.com/vi-assets/static-assets/apple-touch-icon-28865b72953380a40aa43318108876cb.png"
      "type" => "application/rss+xml",
      "href" => "https://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml"

Read Feed

use Tentaclefeed\Feedreader\Facades\FeedReader;

$feed = FeedReader::read('https://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml');

Tentaclefeed\Feedreader\Models\Feed {#430
  -title: "NYT > Top Stories"
  -subtitle: ""
  -icon: null
  -updated_at: Carbon\Carbon @1619976397 {#485}
  -author: null
  -rights: "Copyright 2021 The New York Times Company"
  -items: Illumin…\Collection {#487}



Method Return type Description
$feed->getTitle() string The title of the feed.
$feed->getSubtitle() string The subtitle/description of the feed.
$feed->getUpdatedAt() Carbon\Carbon The last modification date of the feed.
$feed->getAuthor() Tentaclefeed\Feedreader\Models\Author The author of the feed.
$feed->getRights() string Copyright notices.
$feed->getItems() Illuminate\Support\Collection Articles from the feed.


Method Return type Description
$author->getName() string The name of the author.
$author->getUri() string or null The uri of the author.


Method Return type Description
$item->getId() string The id of the item.
$item->getTitle() string The title of the item.
$item->getCreatedAt() Carbon\Carbon The datetime the item was published/created.
$item->getUrl() string The url of the item.
$item->getSummary() string The content summary of the item.


Run the tests with:

composer test


  • Improve IconScraper to recognize more icons


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.