
A PHP component/library.

v1.0.0 2025-02-15 11:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 14:03:52 UTC


A PHP component/library.

Custom application exception handling.


Implement interfaces:


interface ExceptionHandlerFactoryInterface
    public function createExceptionHandler(LoggerInterface $logger): ExceptionHandlerInterface;


interface ExceptionHandlerInterface
    public function handle(Throwable $throwable): void;


interface UncaughtExceptionHandlerInterface extends ExceptionHandlerInterface

Example implementation

Handle uncaught exceptions.

In application bootstrap:

// Exception handling.
$exceptionHandlerFactory = new DefaultExceptionHandlerFactory();
// Uncaught exception handler.
set_exception_handler([$exceptionHandlerFactory->createUncaughtExceptionHandler($logger), 'handle']);

Handle exceptions inside the application (caught exceptions)

In application logic:

$exceptionHandler = $exceptionHandlerFactory->createExceptionHandler($logger);

// Example: an exception handling middleware.
final class ExceptionHandlerMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface
    public function __construct(
        // Exception handler to use to handle the exception.
        private ExceptionHandlerInterface $exceptionHandler,
        // Request handler to use to return a response to the client
        private RequestHandlerInterface $requestHandler,
    ) {

    public function process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface
        try {
             * Pass to the next handler.
             * If all is OK, nothing else to do.
            return $handler->handle($request);
        } catch (Throwable $throwable) {
             * An exception happened inside one of the next handlers.

            // Handle error (log, report, etc)

             * Return a response via the request handler.
             * Any exceptions that happen here will bubble up and be handled by the uncaught exception handler (if set).
            return $this->requestHandler->handle($request->withAttribute('throwable', $throwable));