
A library to extend Object capabilities.


A library to extend Object capabilities.


composer require wedgesama/object-extensions

Symfony integration (^5.4|^6.0)

Flex not yet available.

  • Enable the bundle in your config/bundle.php:

return [

WS\Library\ObjectExtensions\Bridge\Symfony\WSObjectExtensionsBundle::class => ['all' => true],


- Create a new `config\packages\ws_extensions.yaml` file, you will config the bundle here.

ws_object_extensions: ~

- That all for default configuration.

## Documentations

Here all capabilities documentations:
- [Blame](doc/ Allow an object to have a User referenced for creation and update on the object.
- [Hierarchy](doc/ Allow to create a hierarchy for a given class on itself (and children classes).
- [Slug](doc/ Allow an object to have a normalize slug. Useful for url's path.
- [Timestamp](doc/ Same as Blame but for time.
- [Translation](doc/ Allow an object to have translation attributes.


- Better documentation.
- Flex recipe for Symfony.
- Add example for standalone usage.

## License

This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license: