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The Yasha's base speedup development stack

1.1.2 2019-12-12 19:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 08:02:25 UTC


Яша / Yasha Base

Speedup development stack

composer create-project yasha/yasha-base project-zero

About Yasha's Base

This i a multipourpose bootstrap / laravel / backpack stack base to speedup install and developments. In a matter of minutes and with a single command we deploy all our local development tools that we always need to start coding.

Turnkey command (single command install)

composer create-project yasha/yasha-base {project-name} {dev-[branch] or tag}

Installing is as simple as running this command in the Host where we're developing our code.

The command should run in a working environement with php & mysql, otherwise composer will fail at the end and we'll need to run the comands listed below in the What create-project does section.

Dont forget to git init and push your first commit with the project. This is not a git clone.



  • composer create-project yasha/yasha-base project-one dev-master
  • composer create-project yasha/yasha-base project-two dev-develop

Warning: this package yasha/yasha-base-backend, listed in composer.json in produnction environements should be fixed to a stable version (Eg: "1.0.4"). For now we keep in in dev-develop@dev while package is in development status (<- todo).

Whats included in this base

For now there is a unique backend package, which acts as a meta-package with all dependencies listed below. Frontend developments are not aside packaged. Maybe in a near future they should.


  • "backpack/crud": "^3.6",
  • "mcamara/laravel-localization": "^1.3",
  • "imliam/laravel-env-set-command": "^1.0.0"

What create-project does

This create-project takes care with the following actions running the following commands:

  • Like any other Laravel, generates a key.

    • php artisan key:generate --ansi
  • Sets and creates the database based on {project-name}. Notice "-" (dash) is converted to "_".

    • php artisan env:set DB_DATABASE $(echo ${PWD##*/} | tr - _)_test
    • php artisan db:create $(echo ${PWD##*/} | tr - _)_test
  • Installs Backpack with everything & creates first user with the account: info@example.com

    • php artisan backpack:base:install
    • php artisan migrate --seed
    • php artisan backpack:crud:install --elfinder=yes
  • The first user password is hashed in composer.json file.

Coming features in next releases

  • Add some user administration & permissions
  • Add image compression cached/on the fly, based on URL (eg: /image/thumb/image.png, /image/big/image.png, etc.) Check those libs: http://image.intervention.io, https://docs.spatie.be/laravel-medialibrary/.
  • Improve/develop deployment script & make a configuration in PHP/.env to change default folder from "public" to "public_html".
  • Make a default contact form with more fields, and better email destination management. (put email address in backend config).
  • Add a backup tool for database. (Think about setting a cron task when first deploy).
  • Add cookies consent from spatie library.

Known bugs to fix in next releases & important improvements

  • Removing a Page which is linked trough a Menu Item makes all web unaccessible until the Menu Item its removed.
  • Page preview button doesn't work as expected when backend/frontend language is not the same.
  • Backend language switcher fails on some controllers.
  • Add Admin user to Seeders because when refreshing user admin is lost. (Remove it from composer?)
  • Check loguin route, for both controllers: frontend and backend. (Look at the Middelware).
  • Make a request for base fields or convert them to required.