
This is the official package to help integration of Zepson pay service to your php based application much faster and easy.

dev-master 2022-10-18 09:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 15:11:38 UTC



Zepson pay is the software as a service payment gateway designed to make payment integration through API's easly and avaliable to anyone. Zepson Engineers works on real world researches to get solution suitable for your business.


  • Collection (also available android pay)
  • Desbursement
  • Transaction Enquiry (also available android pay)
  • Transaction reversal
  • Fraud Check


Read Detailed Developer Documentation

How to integrate to PHP/Laravel Application

1.Install Zepson Pay Package
2. Prepare your API key, API secret and environment from zepsonpay.com developer dashboard
3. Create an Instance of ZepsonPay Class
4. Pass Required Parameters
5. Call makePayment to initiate makePayment
6. Call paymentStatus to get transaction paymentStatus


Install my-project with composer in php or Laravel application

  composer require zepson/zepsonpay-php

Create Instance of Zepson pay class

Create an instance of ZepsonPay class using bellow instruction. Note that parameters in the example are all mandatory when initializing the class. api_key and api_secret ca be obtained from https://zepsonpay.com developer portal


    $api_key = "YOUR_ZEPSONPAY_API_KEY";
    $api_secret = "YOUR_ZEPSONPAY_API_SECRET";
    $environment = "android"; //sandbox, produciton, zepsonpay and android. currently support android (v1.0)
    //creating instance of zepsonpay class.
    $zp = new Zepson\ZepsonpaySDK\ZepsonPay($api_key, $api_secret, $environment);

Make payment

To complete payment , the parameters in the example are required. Make payment can sometimes be reffered to us Collection.

$data = [
    'amount' => 100,
    'purpose' => 'For testing purposes',
    'ext_trxn_reff' => '1JF61RJWOK', //for android transaction this is equal to operators transaction id received after payment
    'phone' => '0688950846', //customer phone
    'operator' => 'vodacom', //operator to charge from
    'device' => '00000000-0000-0000-6da8-08a4x40d4b97' // only for android transactions obtained after registering device in gateway.zepsonsms.co.tz

    //make payment
 $response = $zp->makePayment($data);

After making payment, please reffer to call back sections below to see how can you work with different responses from the api.

Transaction enquiry(Check transaction status)

To check status, the parameter in the example is required. Transaction status is sometimes reffered to as transaction enquiry

$data = [
    'ext_trxn_reff' => '1JF61RJWOK', //for android transaction this is equal to operators transaction id received after payment

    //make payment
 $response = $zp->paymentStatus($data);

After receiving response, please reffer to call back sections below to see how can you work with different responses from the api.

Available payment response helpers

We have prepared a list of helpers to help make your process much easy, you can use this for any type of transaction /environment.

check if payment is successfull


This returns zepsonpay status codes described below.

get full transaction response as array


get full transaction response as Json


get transaction ID


get external transaction ID


get Response message


get response transaction message


get errors



Here is is quite simple and does not require much documents, your integration approval is done automatically.

Here you will need an account at gateway.zepsonsms.co.tz , go to device section and register your phone(Android),

create your zepsonpay account and create your app, business category select android, you'll get your app id and app key, use them to integrate with our API.,

your required to add device id( from Zepson SMS gateway) and your webhook secret by going to your gateway.zepsonsms.co.tz account, tools and select webhook, the create webhook, add url https://zepsonpay.com/webhook , you will get your webhook secret key, use it to integrate with our API.

For enquiries please visit zepsonpay.com


Zepson pay is the software as a service payment gateway designed to make payment integration through API's easly and avaliable to anyone. Zepson Engineers works on real world researches to get solution suitable for your business.


  • Mnos Collection
  • Mno's Desbursement
  • Zepon pay agregation (Still in progress)
  • VPN tunnelling (in progress)


Contributions are always welcome to help make the package more user friendly!

