
Promoting the interoperability of MQs objects. Based on Java JMS, modernized with psalm typehints.

1.0.1 2025-03-07 09:50 UTC


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queue-interop tries to identify and standardize a common way for PHP programs to create, send, receive and read MQ messages to achieve interoperability.

Through discussions and trials, we try to create a standard, made of common interfaces but also recommendations.

If PHP projects that provide queue implementations begin to adopt these common standards, then PHP applications and projects that use MQs can depend on the common interfaces instead of specific implementations. This facilitates a high-level of interoperability and flexibility that allows users to consume any MQ transport implementation that can be adapted to these interfaces.

The work done in this project is not officially endorsed by the PHP-FIG. We adhere to the spirit and ideals of PHP-FIG.


You can install this package through Composer:

# Install a Queue Interop compatible transport, for example 
$ composer require enqueue/fs


Send a message:


use Enqueue\Fs\FsConnectionFactory;

$context = (new FsConnectionFactory())->createContext();


Consume a message:


use Enqueue\Fs\FsConnectionFactory;

$context = (new FsConnectionFactory())->createContext();

$consumer = $context->createConsumer($context->createQueue('aQueue'));

$timeout = 5000; // 5sec
if ($message = $consumer->receive($timeout)) {
    // process the message.


Find out more here:

Compatible projects



Amqp interop

There is AMQP interop built on top of Queue Interop. It is completly compatible with queue interop and only adds some AMQP specific features:

  • Queue\Exchange declaration
  • Queue\Exchange Binding.
  • Basic consume support.
  • and other AMQP specific features.

Compatible projects


Everyone is welcome to join and contribute.

We try to not break BC by creating new interfaces instead of editing existing ones.

While we currently work on interfaces, we are open to anything that might help towards interoperability, may that be code, best practices, etc.


MIT license