frodeborli member since: Feb 02, 2015

frodeborli's packages

  • f2/simple-router

    A fast router that will route requests to /users/123/ to a namespaced function \routes\users\_(int $id)

  • f2/types

    Data type declarations with casting, validation and annotations, without DocBlock parsing using pure PHP.

  • frodeborli/gjallarhorn

    Event emitter functionality with on(), off(), once() for subscribing to events.

  • PHP


    PHP Serializor will serialize almost anything in PHP, including closures and anonymous classes.

  • frodeborli/skuld

    Some answers aren't immediately available. Skuld is a complete Promise implementation with no dependencies, designed to work together with other promise implementations.

  • frodeborli/themis

    A powerful testing framework based on php script files.

  • PHP


    An event based long-polling comet server build using asynchronous PHP with React

  • PHP


    An event based optionally forking PHP application server built on top of ReactPHP

  • fubber/util-types

    Provides a simple type system preferring native PHP types while allowing object polymorphism methods such as 'asFloat()', 'asInt()' and type checking helpers.

  • PHP


    Transparent context switching for moebius coroutines on file system access.

  • PHP


    Some common functionality for Moebius

  • PHP


    Easy to use coroutines for PHP.

  • PHP


    Event emitter implementation for Moebius

  • PHP


    A solid event-loop API for writing applications that work across frameworks such as Amp or React, Slim, CodeIgniter, Laravel and Symfony.

  • PHP


    Turbo-charge your existing codebase with coroutines based on pure PHP 8.1 fibers