Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Handy Blade directives
1 075 619 867
Run Dusk tests in Opera
3 633 8
Run Dusk tests on Safari
5 056 11
Model meta
64 840 129
Laravel packe for Moneybird
1 694 9
Multisite setup for Laravel
10 564 216
PHP OPcache Artisan commands for Laravel.
3 726 433 1 351
Global options loaded from the database
362 027 731
Keep stock for Eloquent models
28 457 290
Horizon statistics in Nova
196 306 78
A Laravel Nova field with Signature Pad
5 783 7
Opinionated package to speed up new Laravel projects
125 1
1 165 0
611 0
962 0