Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Freeze values in objects
98 960 3
A Mustache service provider for Pimple and Silex.
87 103 0
Pimple service provider for Parsedown.
87 748 2
A Package for generating PDF files using PhantomJS
87 563 4
Silex service provider for symfony/workflow component
32 0
Modify the subject of all emails
90 370 1
Assign bcc for specific email types globally
86 192 1
A WebProfiler for Silex
5 1
DataMapper style ORM Core Componenets
281 2
Simple event listeners with Closures
6 2
Light and Flexible ORM without magic
673 23
Compoer Init Template for Harp Packages
15 1
Allow only identical objects
19 1
An array which contents can be loaded only when needed
17 1
Regions, Countries and Cities.
128 1