Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Manage test runner's plugins
30 493 2
25 509 3
extension to create QTI tests
101 589 9
extension that provides QTI test previewer
58 262 1
extension to manage testtakers
88 449 6
An extension focusing on theming the TAO Platform.
23 144 2
Supports workspaces for items
19 783 2
xml editing tools and debugger
19 680 2
5 434 1
qti response process xml editor
12 630 1
TAO generis library
122 236 11
Generis key value authentication
10 296 2
Simple mathematical expression/equation parser and calculator.
132 831 3
OAT Correlation Ids Library
7 034 0
OAT Correlation Ids Guzzle Library
6 453 0