Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Pimcore Dynamic Search Bundle
93 861 34
21 127 8
82 458 6
42 169 5
50 171 4
8 077 2
Pimcore Emailizr - create html emails the right way!
320 743 18
Pimcore FormBuilder - create forms easily!
196 605 95
Pimcore I18n Manager.
79 814 30
Pimcore Jobs API
10 607 7
Pimcore 5.x Website Indexer (powered by Zend Search Lucene)
39 723 27
Pimcore User, Object, Asset and Document Authentication
70 721 55
Pimcore Monitoring - get monitoring information
24 901 3
Pimcore News
24 424 18
Curabill Invoicing for Payum
718 0