
Interface to manage email newsletters

v0.5.0 2025-01-13 17:45 UTC


Contributors: alleyinteractive

Tags: alleyinteractive, wp-newsletter-builder

Stable tag: 0.3.35

Requires at least: 6.2

Tested up to: 6.4.1

Requires PHP: 8.0

License: GPL v2 or later

Coding Standards Testing Suite

Interface to manage email newsletters. Creates a Custom Post Type.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require alleyinteractive/wp-newsletter-builder


Activate the plugin in WordPress and use it like so:

$plugin = WP_Newsletter_Builder\WP_Newsletter_Builder\WP_Newsletter_Builder();

Enabling an Email Provider

The plugin supports multiple email providers. To enable an email provider, add the following code as a plugin or function in your theme wp-newsletter-builder-PROVIDER.php:

This decision was made so that only developers can switch email providers (but it may be that we want to create a settings page for this in the future.)

 * Plugin Name: PROVIDER for WP Newsletter Builder
 * Description: Plugin to enable PROVIDER as an email provider for WP Newsletter Builder.
 * Version: 0.1.0
 * Author: Alley
 * Text Domain: newsletter-testing
 * Domain Path: /languages/
 * @package newsletter-testing
add_filter( 'wp_newsletter_builder_selected_provider',
	fn( $provider ) => 'WP_Newsletter_Builder\Email_Providers\PROVIDER'

Filtering Post Types Available in the Post Picker

The plugin allows filtering of post types available in the Gutenberg post picker. The post picker appears in the wp-newsletter-builder/post block as a single post picker and in the wp-newsletter-builder/section block as a multiple post picker.

For example, to allow a custom podcast post type to appear in the post picker, along with the default post post type:

add_filter( 'wp_newsletter_builder_allowed_post_types',
  function( array $allowed_post_types ) {
    $allowed_post_types[] = 'podcast';
    return $allowed_post_types;


Run npm run test to run Jest tests against JavaScript files. Run npm run test:watch to keep the test runner open and watching for changes.

Run npm run lint to run ESLint against all JavaScript files. Linting will also happen when running development or production builds.

Run composer test to run tests against PHPUnit and the PHP code in the plugin.

The entries directory and entry points

All directories created in the entries directory can serve as entry points and will be compiled with @wordpress/scripts into the build directory with an accompanied index.asset.php asset map.

Enqueuing Entry Points

You can also include an index.php file in the entry point directory for enqueueing or registering a script. This file will then be moved to the build directory and will be auto-loaded with the load_scripts() function in the functions.php file. Alternatively, if a script is to be enqueued elsewhere there are helper functions in the src/assets.php file for getting the assets.

Scaffold a block with create-block

Use the create-block command to create custom blocks with @wordpress/create-block and follow the prompts to generate all the block assets in the blocks/ directory. Block registration, script creation, etc will be scaffolded from the bin/create-block/templates/block/ templates. Run npm run build to compile and build the custom block. Blocks are enqueued using the load_scripts() function in src/assets.php.

Updating WP Dependencies

Update the WordPress dependency packages used in the project to their latest version.

To update @wordpress dependencies to their latest version use the packages-update command:

npx wp-scripts packages-update

This script provides the following custom options:

  • --dist-tag – allows specifying a custom dist-tag when updating npm packages. Defaults to latest. This is especially useful when using @wordpress/dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin. It lets installing the npm dependencies at versions used by the given WordPress major version for local testing, etc. Example:
npx wp-scripts packages-update --dist-tag=wp-WPVERSION`

Where WPVERSION is the version of WordPress you are targeting. The version must include both the major and minor version (e.g., 6.1). For example:

npx wp-scripts packages-update --dist-tag=wp-6.1`


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


This project is actively maintained by Alley Interactive. Like what you see? Come work with us.


The GNU General Public License (GPL) license. Please see License File for more information.