
A wrapper package for interacting with the API.

v7.8.0 2025-01-02 14:04 UTC


Laravel Exchange Rates

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Table of Contents


A simple Laravel package used for interacting with exchange rates APIs. Laravel Exchange Rates allows you to get the latest or historical exchange rates and convert monetary values between different currencies.


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require ashallendesign/laravel-exchange-rates

The package has been developed and tested to work with the following minimum requirements:

  • PHP 8.0
  • Laravel 8

Supported APIs

Laravel Exchange Rates currently supports the following APIs:


Publish the Config File

You can publish the package's config file using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Providers\ExchangeRatesProvider"

If you're using an API that requires an API key, you can put it in your .env:


If you're using the free tier of or, you should set the https config option in config/laravel-exchange-rates.php to false, as the free tiers of those APIs don't allow HTTPS requests.



Available Currencies

To get the available currencies supported by the API, you can use the currencies method like so:

use AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Classes\ExchangeRate;

$exchangeRates = app(ExchangeRate::class);


Exchange Rate

Getting the Rate Between Two Currencies

To get the exchange rate for one currency to another, you can use the exchangeRate method. When doing this, you can pass the currency code as a string as the second parameter. The exchangeRate method will then return a float containing the exchange rate.

The example below shows how to get the exchange rate from 'GBP' to 'EUR' for today.

use AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Classes\ExchangeRate;

$exchangeRates = app(ExchangeRate::class);

$result = $exchangeRates->exchangeRate('GBP', 'EUR');

// $result: 1.10086

Note: If a Carbon date is passed as the third parameter, the exchange rate for that day will be returned (if valid). If no date is passed, today's exchange rate will be used.

Getting the Rate Between More Than Two Currencies

It's possible to get the exchange rates for multiple currencies in one call. This can be particularly useful if you are needing to get many exchange rates at once and don't want to make multiple API calls.

To do this, you can use exchangeRate method and pass an array of currency code strings as the second parameter. This will return an array containing the exchange rates as floats.

The example below shows how to get the exchange rates from 'GBP' to 'EUR' and 'USD' for today:

use AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Classes\ExchangeRate;

$exchangeRates = app(ExchangeRate::class);

$result = $exchangeRates->exchangeRate('GBP', ['EUR', 'USD']);

// $result: [
//     'EUR' => 1.10086,
//     'USD' => 1.25622,
// ];

Exchange Rates Between Date Range

Getting the Rates Between Two Currencies

To get the exchange rates between two currencies between a given date range, you can use the exchangeRateBetweenDateRange method. When doing this, you can pass the currency code as a string as the second parameter. The method will then return an array containing the exchange rates.

The example below shows how to get the exchange rates from 'GBP' to 'EUR' for the past 3 days:

use AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Classes\ExchangeRate;

$exchangeRates = app(ExchangeRate::class);

$result = $exchangeRates->exchangeRateBetweenDateRange(

// $result: [
//     '2020-07-07' => 1.1092623405
//     '2020-07-08' => 1.1120625424
//     '2020-07-09' => 1.1153867604
// ];
Getting the Rates Between More Than Two Currencies

To get the exchange rates for multiple currencies in one call, you can pass an array of currency codes strings as the second parameter to the exchangeRateBetweenDateRange method.

The example below shows how to get the exchange rates from 'GBP' to 'EUR' and 'USD' for the past 3 days.:

use AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Classes\ExchangeRate;

$exchangeRates = app(ExchangeRate::class);

$result = $exchangeRates->exchangeRateBetweenDateRange(
    ['EUR', 'USD'],

// $result: [
//     '2020-07-07' => [
//         'EUR' => 1.1092623405,
//         'USD' => 1.2523571825,
//      ],
//     '2020-07-08' => [
//         'EUR' => 1.1120625424,
//         'USD' => 1.2550737853,
//      ],
//     '2020-07-09' => [
//         'EUR' => 1.1153867604,
//         'USD' => 1.2650716636,
//      ],
// ];

Convert Currencies

When passing in the monetary value (first parameter) that is to be converted, it's important that you pass it in the lowest denomination of that currency. For example, £1 GBP would be passed in as 100 (as £1 = 100 pence).

Converting Between Two Currencies

Similar to how you can get the exchange rate from one currency to another, you can also convert a monetary value from one currency to another. To do this you can use the convert() method.

The example below shows how to convert £1 'GBP' to 'EUR' at today's exchange rate:

use AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Classes\ExchangeRate;

$exchangeRates = app(ExchangeRate::class);

$result = $exchangeRates->convert(100, 'GBP', 'EUR', Carbon::now());

// $result: 110.15884906

Note: If a Carbon date is passed as the third parameter, the exchange rate for that day will be returned (if valid). If no date is passed, today's exchange rate will be used.

Converting Between More Than Two Currencies

You can also use the convert() method to convert a monetary value from one currency to multiple currencies. To do this, you can pass an array of currency code strings as the third parameter.

The example below show how to convert £1 'GBP' to 'EUR' and 'USD' at today's exchange rate.

use AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Classes\ExchangeRate;

$exchangeRates = app(ExchangeRate::class);

$result = $exchangeRates->convert(
    ['EUR', 'USD'],

// $result: [
//     'EUR' => 110.15884906,
//     'USD' => 125.30569081
// ];

Convert Currencies Between Date Range

When passing in the monetary value (first parameter) that is to be converted, it's important that you pass it in the lowest denomination of that currency. For example, £1 GBP would be passed in as 100 (as £1 = 100 pence).

Converting Between Two Currencies in a Date Range

Similar to getting the exchange rates between a date range, you can also get convert monetary values from one currency to another using the exchange rates. To do this you can use the convertBetweenDateRange method.

The example below shows how to convert £1 'GBP' to 'EUR' using the exchange rates for the past 3 days:

use AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Classes\ExchangeRate;

$exchangeRates = app(ExchangeRate::class);


// $result: [
//     '2020-07-07' => 110.92623405,
//     '2020-07-08' => 111.20625424,
//     '2020-07-09' => 111.53867604,
// ];
Converting Between More Than Two Currencies in a Date Range

You can also use the convertBetweenDateRange method to convert a monetary value from one currency to multiple currencies using the exchange rates between a date range. To do this, you can pass an array of currency codes strings as the third parameter.

The example below show how to convert £1 'GBP' to 'EUR' and 'USD' at the past three days' exchange rates.

use AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Classes\ExchangeRate;

$exchangeRates = app(ExchangeRate::class);

$result = $exchangeRates->exchangeRateBetweenDateRange(
    ['EUR', 'USD'],

// $result: [
//     '2020-07-07' => [
//         'EUR' => 110.92623405,
//         'USD' => 125.23571825,
//      ],
//     '2020-07-08' => [
//         'EUR' => 111.20625424,
//         'USD' => 125.50737853,
//      ],
//     '2020-07-09' => [
//         'EUR' => 111.53867604,
//         'USD' => 126.50716636,
//      ],
// ];


If you prefer to use facades in Laravel, you can choose to use the provided AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Facades\ExchangeRate facade instead of instantiating the AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Classes\ExchangeRate class manually.

The example below shows an example of how you could use the facade to get the available currencies:

use AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Facades\ExchangeRate;



Laravel Exchange Rates provides multiple drivers so that you can interact with different exchange rate APIs.

You can select the default driver that you want to use by setting the driver config field in the config/laravel-exchange-rates.php config file. For example, to use the exchange-rates-api-io driver, you could set the following:

'driver' => 'exchange-rates-api-io',

This driver will automatically be used when running methods such as:

// Using the "ExchangeRate" class:
$exchangeRates = app(ExchangeRate::class);
$result = $exchangeRates->exchangeRate('GBP', ['EUR', 'USD']);

// Using the "ExchangeRate" facade:
ExchangeRate::exchangeRate('GBP', ['EUR', 'USD']);

However, if you wish to use a different driver, you can use the driver method to specify the driver that you want to use. For example, to use the exchange-rates-data-api driver, you could use the following:

// Using the "ExchangeRate" class:
$exchangeRates = app(ExchangeRate::class);

$result = $exchangeRates
    ->exchangeRate('GBP', ['EUR', 'USD']);

// Using the "ExchangeRate" facade:
    ->exchangeRate('GBP', ['EUR', 'USD']);

Available Drivers

The following drivers are available with the package:

Validation Rule

Laravel Exchange Rates comes with its own ValidCurrency rule for validating currencies. This can be useful for if you need to be sure that a currency (maybe one provided by the user) is supported by at least one driver. The example below show how you can use the rule for validating the currency.

use AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Rules\ValidCurrency;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;

$formData = [
    'currency' => 'GBP',

$rules = [
    'currency' => new ValidCurrency(),

$validator = Validator::make($formData, $rules);

This rule doesn't make a call to any APIs and instead checks an array (provided by the package) of all the currencies that are supported by at least one driver. This means that the rule will be much faster and won't cause issues with rate limits. However, it's possible that the rule may "pass" for a currency that is not supported by the driver that you are using.

If you'd prefer the validation to be stricter and return only the currencies supported by your chosen driver, you may want to write your own validation rule that makes a call to the API to get a list of supported currencies.


Busting Cached Exchange Rates

By default, all responses from the exchange rates APIs are cached. This allows for significant performance improvements and reduced bandwidth from your server.

However, if for any reason you require a fresh result from the API and not a cached result, the shouldBustCache method can be used. The example below shows how to ignore the cached value (if one exists) and make a new API request:

use AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Classes\ExchangeRate;

$exchangeRates = app(ExchangeRate::class);


Preventing Exchange Rates from Being Cached

It's also possible to prevent the exchange rates from being cached at all. To do this, you can use the shouldCache(false) method. The example below shows how to get an exchange rate and not cache it:

use AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Classes\ExchangeRate;

$exchangeRates = app(ExchangeRate::class);


Note: The caching works by storing exchange rates after fetching them from the API. As an example, if you were to fetch the exchange rates for 'GBP' to 'EUR' for 20-11-2019 - 27-11-2019, the rates between these dates will be cached as a single cache item. This cache item will only be retrieved if you attempt to fetch the same exchange rates on with the exact same currencies and date range.

Therefore, if you were to try and get 'GBP' to 'EUR' for 20-11-2019 - 26-11-2019, a new API request would be made because the date range is different.

Supported Currencies

Laravel Exchange Rates supports working with the following currencies (sorted in A-Z order):


If you are contributing new changes to the package, you can run the tests by running the following command from the packages's root folder:

composer test


If you find any security related issues, please contact me directly at to report it.


If you wish to make any changes or improvements to the package, feel free to make a pull request.

To contribute to this library, please use the following guidelines before submitting your pull request:

  • Write tests for any new functions that are added. If you are updating existing code, make sure that the existing tests pass and write more if needed.
  • Follow PSR-2 coding standards.
  • Make all pull requests to the master branch.



Check the CHANGELOG to get more information about the latest changes.


Check the UPGRADE guide to get more information on how to update this library to newer versions.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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