A persistable user object

v4.10.0 2025-01-18 13:05 UTC


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A persistable User object and service for use with Doctrine.


Install via composer into your project:

composer require delboy1978uk/user


Add vendor/delboy1978uk/user/src/Entity to your Doctrine entity paths and update your DB


To create the user service, pass your Doctrine entity mananger and the delboy1978uk/person Person service into the constructor:

use Del\Person\Service\PersonService;
use Del\Service\UserService;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;

// $entityManager = [get your Doctrine EntityManager here];
$personService = new PersonService($entityManager);
$userService = new UserService($entityManager, $personService);

The User Service

All manipulation of our User objects happens through the UserService, which has a variety of methods available:


$user = $svc->createFromArray($data); // Pass an array, get a User object
$array = $svc->toArray($user); // Pass an User object, get an array
$user = $svc->saveUser($user); // Inserts or updates a User in the DB
$user = $svc->findUserById($id); // Finds a User in the DB
$user = $svc->findUserByEmail($email); // Finds a User in the DB
$user = $svc->changePassword($user, $password); // Updates a password in the DB
$users = $svc->findByCriteria($criteria); // See below for more info
$user = $svc->findOneByCriteria($criteria); // See below for more info
$svc->deleteUser($user); // Deletes a User from the DB
$svc->setUserClass($className); // If you wish to extend this class with your own
$svc->checkPassword($user, $plainPassword); // Returns true or false
$svc->registerUser($data); // See below
$svc->authenticate($email, $password); // Returns the user's ID on success
$emailLink = $svc->generateEmailLink($user, $daysTillExpiry); // For emailing with a secure token
$emailLink = $svc->findEmailLink($email, $token); // Finds the email link for that user
$emailLink = $svc->deleteEmailLink($link); // Deletes from the DB

Registering a user

Pass in an array with keys email, password, and confirm, confirm being the password confirmation field.

$user = $svc->registerUser($data);

The user will be in an unactivated state. Usually we would email the user with an activation link. To get a secure token, do the following:

$emailLink = $svc->generateEmailLink($user, 7); // Token expires in 7 days

You can now email your user, and use findEmailLink when they arrive to activate their account:

$emailLink = $svc->findEmailLink($email, $token); 

You can then update the users state to active and save.

The User Entity

Usage as follows.


use Del\Entity\User;
use Del\Person\Entity\Person;
use Del\Value\User\State;

$user = new User();
$user->setId(12345); // You shouldn't have to, the ORM will do this
$user->setPassword($password); // Not encrypted - use the service which will in turn call this 
$user->setState(new State(State::STATE_ACTIVATED)); 
$user->setRegistrationDate($registrationDate); // A DateTime object
$user->setLastLogin($registrationDate); // A DateTime object
$user->setPerson(new Person()); // See delboy1978uk/person

The User lib also uses delboy1978uk/person, which you can use to store some personal details of the user, if you like.

The User Collection

This is just a fancy array, extending Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection. It has the usual stuff:


while ($collection->valid()) {
    $user = $collection->current();
    // Do things to user

The User Repository

The Repository class is within the service, and contains all the database queries.

Query Criteria

You can use a UserCriteria to refine the results returned like so:


use Del\Criteria\UserCriteria;
use Del\Value\User\State;

$criteria = new UserCriteria();
$criteria->setState(State::STATE_UNACTIVATED); // We only want unactivated users
$users = $svc->findByCriteria($criteria);

You can also use findOneByCriteria to restrict results to one row.