
My personal configuration for PHPStan

2.8.2 2025-01-14 14:58 UTC


PHPStan config

Coverage Maintainability CGL Tests Supported PHP Versions

This package contains basic PHPStan config for use in my personal projects. It is not meant to be used anywhere else. I won't provide support and don't accept pull requests for this repo.

🔥 Installation

Packagist Packagist Downloads

composer require eliashaeussler/phpstan-config

⚡ Usage

With extension installer

If you have the phpstan/extension-installer package installed, there's nothing more to do. The base configuration is automatically included.

Manual include

Create a phpstan.neon file and include the phpstan.neon.dist file:

# phpstan.neon

  - %rootDir%/../../eliashaeussler/phpstan-config/phpstan.neon.dist


The package provides a PHP configuration API for PHPStan. Add this to your phpstan.php file:

# phpstan.php

use EliasHaeussler\PHPStanConfig;

$config = PHPStanConfig\Config\Config::create(__DIR__)->in(

// Exclude specific paths

// Configure rule level

// Enable bleeding edge

// Include baseline file

// Include additional config files

// Define bootstrap files

// Define stub files

// Override cache path

// Ignore errors
$config->ignoreError('Access to constant EXTENSIONS on an unknown class PHPStan\ExtensionInstaller\GeneratedConfig.');
$config->ignoreError('#^Access to constant EXTENSIONS on an unknown class .+\\.$#');

// Configure unmatched error reporting

// Define error formatter

// Treat phpdoc types as certain

// Enable or disable custom rules (see rules below)
$config->useCustomRule('ignoreAnnotationWithoutErrorIdentifier', false);

// Include Doctrine set
$doctrineSet = PHPStanConfig\Set\DoctrineSet::create()

// Include Symfony set
$symfonySet = PHPStanConfig\Set\SymfonySet::create()

// Include TYPO3 set
$typo3Set = PHPStanConfig\Set\TYPO3Set::create()
    ->withCustomAspect('myCustomAspect', \FlowdGmbh\MyProject\Context\MyCustomAspect::class)
    ->withCustomRequestAttribute('myAttribute', \FlowdGmbh\MyProject\Http\MyAttribute::class)
    ->withCustomSiteAttribute('myArrayAttribute', 'array');

// Set custom parameters
$config->parameters->set('tipsOfTheDay', false);

return $config->toArray();

🔎 Rules

The packages also provides some additional PHPStan rules. All rules are enabled by default.


A custom rule to report too loose ignore annotations that don't specify an error identifier. By default, both @phpstan-ignore-line and @phpstan-ignore-next-line annotations are monitored.

        # Enable or disable this rule
        enabled: true
        # Define monitored annotations (without "@" prefix)
            - phpstan-ignore-line
            - phpstan-ignore-next-line

This rule can also be customized using the PHP API:

# phpstan.php

use EliasHaeussler\PHPStanConfig;

$config = PHPStanConfig\Config\Config::create(__DIR__);
$config->parameters->set('ignoreAnnotationWithoutErrorIdentifier/enabled', false);
$config->parameters->set('ignoreAnnotationWithoutErrorIdentifier/monitoredAnnotations', [
    // These annotations don't actually exist, this is just for demonstration purposes

return $config->toArray();

⭐ License

This project is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0 (or later).