
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

For when policy or paranoia prevent you from leaving sensitive cache entries unencrypted at rest.

0.3.0 2016-05-23 07:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-29 04:59:04 UTC


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Having to encrypt your data at rest shouldn't keep you from using the open-source tools you know and love. If you have data that needs a higher degree of security than the rest of your cache, you can store and access it via an encrypting PoolDecorator.


Encryption and decryption are both expensive operations, and frequent reads from an encrypted data store can quickly become a bottleneck in otherwise performant applications. Use encrypted caches sparingly.


This package provides two cache decorators, one that encrypts data using a pass phrase and one that does so with a key pair.

First, create your PSR-6 cache as you normally would, then wrap your cache with an encrypting decorator:

$encryptedCache = new \Jsq\CacheEncryption\Password\PoolDecorator(
    $cache, // an instance of \Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface
    $cipher // optional, defaults to 'aes-256-cbc'

Then use your $cache and $encryptedCache like you normally would:

$cache->save($cache->getItem('normal_cache_data')->set('Totally normal!'));


Though your regular cache and encrypted cache share a storage layer and a keyspace, they will not be able to read each other's data. The $encryptedCache will return false for isHit if the underlying data is not encrypted, and the regular $cache will return gibberish if asked to read encrypted data.

// string(12) "super_secret"

// class Jsq\CacheEncryption\Password\EncryptedValue#177 (4) {
//     private $mac =>
//     string(64) <hexits>
//     private $cipherText =>
//     string(44) <base64 encoded value>
//     private $method =>
//     string(11) "aes-256-cbc"
//     private $initializationVector =>
//     string(16) <binary string>
// }

// bool(true)

// bool(false)

Encrypting your cache with a key pair

If you'd rather not rely on a shared password, the Envelope\PoolDecorator can secure your sensitive cache entries using a public/private key pair.

$encryptedCache = new \Jsq\CacheEncryption\Envelope\PoolDecorator(
    $passphrase_for_private_key_file, // optional, defaults to null
    $cipher // optional, defaults to 'aes-256-cbc'

The certificate can be a valid x509 certificate, a path to a PEM-encoded certificate file (the path must be prefaced with file://), or a PEM-encoded certificate string. The private key can be a path to a PEM-encoded private key file (the path must be prefaced with file://), or a PEM-encoded certificate string.

Encrypting your cache as Iron tokens

This library also supports encryption compatible with the Iron library. This can be useful if you would like to share a cache between multiple applications, even ones written in different languages. The Iron specification details how to seal JSON objects, so the Iron decorator will encode data passed to it as JSON before encrypting it. Decrypted items will be returned as arrays.