
Present Drupal's menu links in groups.


What is it?

This Drupal module allows you to bundle several menu links into a group. This is useful when you want to breakdown a long list of menu links into several smaller groups for better user experience.

As an example, imagine having a long list of content types: Banana, Blackbird, Bat, Cat, Elephant, Magpie, Orange, and Watermelon. If you are using Admin Toolbar Extra Tools or a similar module, these content types will appear as a flat list of menu links under Drupal's Add content menu item. This module can help you group these menu links into severel smaller groups such as the following:

-- Add content
---- Birds
------ Blackbird
------ Magpie
---- Fruits
------ Banana
------ Orange
------ Watermelon
---- Mammals
------ Bat
------ Cat
------ Elephant

Here we have defined the Birds, Fruits, and Mammals groups and decided which menu links belong to each group.

This grouping functionality is not limited to content types only. It can be applied to any menu link.


  • Install the localgov_menu_link_group module in the usual way.
  • Login as a site admin or any other user with the administer site configuration permission.
  • Head to /admin/structure/menu/localgov_menu_link_group
  • Add a new Menu link group.
  • While adding the group, decide where in the menu tree this group should appear. Choose your selection from the Parent menu link dropdown.
  • Use the Child menu links dropdown to select the menu links that should come under this new group.
  • Save the Group form.
  • A menu link with your choosen group label should appear in the menu tree under your choosen parent menu link. This menu link is not clickable.
  • Hovering over this menu link should reveal its child menu links.

Good to know

  • If you have the multiselect Drupal module installed, the Child menu links dropdown would make use of that resulting in better user experience.
  • The weight value of each group can be adjusted in two ways:
    • From the Group add/edit form.
    • By drag-and-drop from the group listing page at /admin/structure/menu/localgov_menu_link_group
  • The group configurations are fully exportable and importable like any other Drupal configuration file.

Developer notes

Menu link groups are stored as config entities. This means other modules can provide new menu link groups or add menu links to existing menu link groups. The localgov_services module is a good example of a module that defines a new menu link group.

If, on the other hand, we want to add menu links to an existing menu link group, we need to ensure the group_label and parent_menu_link keys in the config file are assigned the same value as the target menu link group and its parent. In the following example, we have copied an existing config item, and are adding two new menu links to the existing Services menu link group with a new config ID localgov_menu_link_group_foo:

langcode: en
status: true
      - localgov_services
      - localgov_menu_link_group
id: localgov_menu_link_group_foo
group_label: Services
weight: 9
parent_menu: admin
parent_menu_link: 'admin_toolbar_tools.extra_links:node.add'
  - 'admin_toolbar_tools.extra_links:node.add.foo'
  - 'admin_toolbar_tools.extra_links:node.add.bar'

The above should go into the localgov_menu_link_group.localgov_menu_link_group.localgov_menu_link_group_foo.yml file and placed within the config/optional/ directory of a module.


  • Unit tests.


This project is currently maintained by: