Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
PHP Library for Reactive Arduino Communications
16 2
Global static wrapper for react event-loop
352 557 7
Async Reactive Postgres Driver for PHP (Non-blocking)
79 627 111
14 2
REST API Generator for Symfony 2
131 561 178
Slack to WAMP Publishing Bridge
121 5
Thruway WAMP router core
896 024 680
WebSockets (WAMP2) integration for Symfony2
119 694 98
CLI for Thruway (WAMP)
8 5
WAMP2 Common Library for Thruway
733 891 8
7 167 8
Subscription Meta Module for Thruway library
8 887 4
HTTP to WAMP Publishing Proxy
48 022 9
WebSocket Middleware for React
62 222 22
Watches a dir and starts up php workers when files are added or changed
55 1