
Set of Hamcrest matchers for HTML assertions

v1.1.0 2024-12-16 11:59 UTC


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Usage examples

Hamcrest allows you to create pretty complicated and flexible assertions. Just remember:

"You can" does not mean "you should".

The following example shows how we can ensure that there is an HTML form and password entered in it is not weak:

$html = '<div>
                <input name="password" value="strong password"/>

assertThat($html, is(htmlPiece(
                    withAttribute('value')->havingValue(not('weak password')))))))));

Usage limitations:

  • Each HTML assertion starts with htmlPiece() call (is() can be used to improve readability)
  • One of havingRootElement(), havingDirectChild() or havingChild() needed to be passed as an argument to htmlPiece()


Information about general Hamcrest usage can be found at Hamcrest GitHub repository.

Available Matchers

  • htmlPiece() - checks that string is a valid HTML, parses it and passes control to given matcher if one present

    assertThat('<p></p>', is(htmlPiece())); // Just checking that string is a valid piece of HTML
  • havingRootElement - checks given constraint against root element of HTML. NOTE: Can be passed only to htmlPiece()

    assertThat('<p></p>', htmlPiece(havingRootElement(withTagName('p'))));
  • havingDirectChild - checks given constraint against direct children

    assertThat('<p><b></b></p>', htmlPiece(havingRootElement(havingDirectChild(withTagName('b')))));
  • havingChild - checks given constraint against all children

    assertThat('<p><b></b></p>', htmlPiece(havingChild(withTagName('b'))));
  • withTagName - checks given constraint against tag name

    assertThat('<p><b></b></p>', htmlPiece(havingChild(withTagName(
  • withAttribute - checks given constraint against elements attributes comparing names and values

    assertThat('<p><input required></p>', htmlPiece(havingChild(withAttribute('required'))));
    assertThat('<p><input data-value="some data"></p>', htmlPiece(havingChild(
        withAttribute(startsWith('data-'))->havingValue('some data'))));
  • withClass - checks given constraint against element's class list

    assertThat('<p class="class1 class2 class3"></p>', htmlPiece(havingChild(
  • havingTextContents - checks given constraint against elements text contents

    assertThat('<div><p>this is Some Text</p></div>', htmlPiece(havingChild(
        havingTextContents(containsString('some text')->ignoringCase()))));
  • tagMatchingOutline - tolerantly checks that tag matches given outline (outline - tag representation in HTML format)

    That means:

    • Element's tag name is equal to outline's tag name
    • Element has all the attributes that outline has with the same values. If element has more attributes than outline it still matches.
      • NOTE: Attribute class is treated in a different manner (see further).
      • NOTE: If attribute outlined is boolean, then its value in element won't be checked, just presence.
    • Element has all html classes that outline has.

    This will pass:

    assertThat('<form><input id="id-pass" name="password" class="pretty green" required="required"></form>', 
            tagMatchingOutline('<input name="password" class="green" required>')